Tractel Davitrac Manual De Instalación, De Utilización Y De Mantenimiento página 10

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  • ES

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 59
system must
k .
13. Be ore each use o a all arrest system, make sure
that there is ade uate ertical cleara ce a d that
there are o o stacles i the path o the all.
14. A ull ody har ess i accorda ce with
the o ly e uipme t arou d the ody that may e
used i a all arrest system secure it to the poi t
marked A o the har ess.
1 . It is essential for operator safety that the device or
a chor poi t is correctly positio ed a d that work
is carried out so as to mi imise the risk o alls a d
the hei ht.
1 . or operator sa ety, the dealer must supply the
i the product is resold outside the i itial
destination country: an instruction manual and
maintenance instructions for periodic inspections
a d repairs, all dra ted i
cou try o use o the product.
1 . It is essential for operator safety that the supervisor
rst makes sure that the
uara tees a all arrest orce elow
additio to all protectio e uipme t, it is esse tial
for the safety of the operator and supervisor that
they use perso al protecti e e uipme t such as
helmets, sa ety lasses, lo es a d sa ety shoes
whe ha dli
1 . The product may o ly e used with the associated
e uipme t descri ed i this ma ual see chapter .
Associated e uipme t .
20. This product may only be used in the presence of at
least two operators.
21. o
ot use more tha
e uipme t o the product at the same time.
22. ollow the com i atio s o associated e uipme t
permitted i this ma ual.
23. a
hile usi
where the sa ety u ctio
i ter ere with the sa ety u ctio o a other.
or a y special applicatio , please co tact Tractel
. e nition an picto a
. . e nition
tem descri ed i this ma ual i the arious
models a aila le.
"S pe vi o
di idual or departme t respo si le or
the management and safe use of the product described
i the ma ual.
uara tee a all arrest orce
the la
ua e o the
all arrest system
k .
a d usi
this product.
two associated pieces o
se eral pieces o e uipme t
o o e may a ect or
maintenance operations described and permitted in the
ma ual, who is trai ed a d amiliar with the product.
" pe ato
di idual usi
3 1 is
"PPE Perso al protecti e e uipme t a ai st alls rom
hei ht.
" onnecto
a all arrest system. t complies with sta dard
a ne
or all protectio . t co sists o straps a d uckles. t
eatures all protectio attachme t poi ts marked with
a A i they may e used alo e, or marked with A 2 i
they are to e used i com i atio with a other A 2
poi t. t complies with sta dard
et actin
automatic locki
et actin
sel retracti
metal ca le, strappi
the type o de ice.
" a i
ope ato
the clothed operator, weari
the tools a d parts re uired or o .
"Sa e
o in loa
" all a e t
– A chori
de ice.
– i ki
compo e t.
– all protectio accordi
– ull ody har ess.
. . icto a
para raph, i dicates i structio s or a oidi
to operators, particularly atal, serious or mi or i uries,
a d dama e to the e
para raph, i dicates i structio s or a oidi
or dama e to e uipme t, ut ot directly e da
the li e or health o the operator or that o others, a d or
u likely to cause e
para raph, i dicates i structio s
e ecti e ess or co
mai te a ce operatio s.
uali ed i di idual respo si le or the
the product or its i te ded
leme t co
the compo e ts o
e ice wor
arou d the ody
3 1.
all p otection
all protectio with a
u ctio a d a te sio i
li eline
all protectio system. t may e made o
or sy thetic
re depe di
ma imum wei ht o
PP a d workwear a d
o a e uipme t li ti
Assem ly made up o
3 3.
he placed at the e i
iro me t.
he placed at the e i
iro me tal dama e.
placed at the
e i
or e suri
e ie ce o i stallatio , use or
3 2.
a d sel
eleme t o a
de ice.
o a
i uries
o a
a ailure
o a


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