Tractel Davitrac Manual De Instalación, De Utilización Y De Mantenimiento página 11

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  • ES

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 59
pe ation
. . e i cation e o e
Be ore a y i stallatio work, the i staller must
ha e this ma ual ready to ha d.
Before inserting davitrac in a Tractel
• The product marki
must e prese t a d le i le.
• Be ore each use, make sure that the product is i
a isi ly
ood co ditio , ree rom marks, impacts
or de ormatio .
ot, do ot use it a d i orm the
super isor.
ake sure that the da itrac ase is a Tractel
ase a d that it is i
ood co ditio a d ade uately
secured to the structure i it is perma e t. t must e
cleaned thoroughly on the inside and must not be
de ormed.
ake sure that the da itrac rotatio
the bottom of the mast is in good condition before
i serti
it i to a da itrac ase.
ake sure that all the rods are prese t, a d that they
are ot de ormed or corroded. All rods must e locked
y locki
pi s.
• Be ore starti
the work, the i staller must
or a ise the o so that i stallatio work is carried out
u der the re uired sa ety co ditio s, a d particularly
i accorda ce with la our re ulatio s. They must use
the collecti e a d or perso al protecti e e uipme t
re uired or that purpose.
After inserting davitrac in a Tractel
heck that the mast rotates reely i the ase e ore
it i place usi
a rod with a locki
heck the co ditio o associated e uipme t.
heck all the e uipme t rackets aste ed to da itrac
They must ot e de ormed, cracked or corroded.
ake sure that the da itrac mast is locked i its ase
y mea s o the rod with a locki
dou t, do
ot use the product a d i orm the
super isor.
loor sta di
ases may o ly
e i stalled o
Sur ace mou ted a d o set wall mou ted ases may
o ly
e i stalled o
ertical sur aces.
da itrac a d da imast perma e t
ma ual.
or all other applicatio s, please co tact
sta ilisi
ase, you will eed to ad ust the le el.
the screw mecha isms to compe sate or a u e e
a d or slopi
support sur ace. The sel sta ilisi
base may only be used if the ground is in good
co ditio , sta le a d
o slippi
itume , etc.
. .
davitrac base:
tted at
davitrac base:
pi .
pi .
a d
uilt i
hori o tal sur aces.
e er to the
the temporary sel
such as co crete,
nction an
he used alo
with a oor sta di
mou ted
ase, a
o set wall mou ted
oor ase, the da itrac i cra e may e used as a all
protectio a chor poi t or two operators i accorda ce with
A 2012 a d
TS 1 41 2013, it may e tted with
• all arrest systems i accorda ce with
• rescue
li ti
de ices
201 type A or B,
• rope suspe ded worki
irecti e 2001 4
such a co
uratio , it may
simulta eously as a a chor poi t or li ti
this co
uratio , whe
. 2 o the i
is i
a chor poi t is su ected to the ma imum orce
i the e e t o a all, the ma imum displaceme t, or
de ectio , o the a chor poi t is 1 mm.
The davitrac jib crane may be used as a lifting anchor
poi t i accorda ce with
o ly o e operator ca co
poi ts o the articulatio plate re . 2,
da itrac allows access to arrow spaces, wells, silos,
sewers, etc.
t is made o alumi ium a d is li htwei ht 30 k
ease o tra sport.
The hei ht o the oom is always the same re ardless o
the positio o the a chori
The height of the anchoring head may vary depending
o its positio o the oom 3 positio s see ta le 1 .
Figure 2:
A - Adjustable anchoring head
B A chori
head locki
D - Boom
E - Anchoring head adjustment hole
PP pulley
i t pulley
a le uide rod
& I
PP a chor poi ts
i t a chor poi t
a le uide pulley
Boom articulatio locki
Bracket positio i
ast rotatio ri
ast rotatio lock rod with locki
Articulatio plate
Figure 1
escriptio o sel sta ilisi
ce tral ase
S: adjustable removable legs
e c iption
ase, a sur ace
ase or
uilt i
3 3 2002,
accorda ce
de ices i accorda ce with
e used
e uipme t.
the a chori
head re .
. 1 a d its
achi ery
irecti e 200 42
ect to o e o the a chor
head o the oom 1 21 mm .


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