Choice of the device number for RS 485 communication
M. Selection of the COM port number
Button for searching the port. Pressing the button will begin searching
for available port numbers.
Button of opening the serial port and opening the communication port
Button for switching on/off the power supply outputs
Button to turn off the software
3. A detailed description of the buttons of the software interface
When clicked, the button will display a list of ports. If you do not know the
number of the port to which the PSU has been connected, launch the system
device manager.
Next, read the number assigned to the port where the PSU is connected and
choose it from the drop-down list (M) to the left of the button.
After pressing the button (if the correct port has been set in the previous
step) the port connecting the computer with the device will be opened.
In the lower left corner of the software interface, "Port COMA is already
open" will be displayed indicating success.
If the port between the computer and the PSU is open, when the button is
pressed, the power supply to the PSU's outputs will start. The button will
change its name to "Output Stop". To stop the power supply to the outputs
press the button again, then the power supply to the outputs will be cut off
and the button will change its name back to "Output Start".
In the Voltage (I) setting fields, set your preferred value by selecting numbers
from the drop-down list.
To save the settings and send it to the PSU press the "Set voltage" button .
In the fields for setting the current value (H), set the preferred value by
selecting from the drop-down list.
To save the settings and send it to the PSU press the "Set current" button.
After pressing the button, the fields concerning the current status of the PSU
outputs will be updated, i.e. the value of voltage, current, operation mode,