Speech audiometry in table mode
The AC440 Table Mode consists of two tables:
The SRT (Speech Reception Threshold) table. When the SRT test is active, it is indicated in orange
There are also options to conduct speech audiometry to f ind MCL (Most Comf ortable Level)
and UCL (Uncomf ortable Loudness Level), also highlighted in orange when acitivated:
The WR (Word Recognition) table. When WR1, WR2, or WR3 is active the corresponding label will be
The SRT table
The SRT table (Speech Reception Threshold table) allows f or measuring multiple SRTs using dif f erent test
parameters, e.g. Transducer, Test Type, Intensity, Masking, and Aided.
Upon changing Transducer, Masking, and/or Aided and re-testing, an additional SRT entry will appear in the
SRT table. This allows f or multiple SRT measurements to be shown in the SRT table. The same can be
applied f or when perf orming MCL (Most Comf ortable Level) and UCL (Uncomf ortable Loudness level)
speech audiometry.
Please ref er to the Af f inity2.0/Equinox2.0 Additional Inf ormation document f or more inf ormation about SRT
Affinity2.0/Equinox2.0 – Instructions for Use - EN
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