250-300 SE/R
Maintenance schedule (continued)
iMPOrTanT CHeCKs and MajOr MainTenanCe iTeMs
THaT sHOUld Be PerFOrMed By THe sHerCO dealer
Competition use
Recreational user
Check the clutch disc wear
Check the length of the clutch springs
Check that the clutch nut is not loose
Check that the clutch housing is not loose
Check the wear of the cylinder and piston
Replace the piston 300
Check the good working of valves and boosters
Check the run-out at the end of the crankshaft
Check the condition of the connecting rod
Replace the big end bearing
Replace the crankshaft bearings
Check all of the gearbox components for wear
Check the reed valve petals
Replace fiberglass packing in the muffler
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
at 10H
at 20H
at 40H
at 20H
at 40H
at 80H
at 80Hh