Example of a firing program to illustrate the firing segment
Example of a simple firing program to illustrate the firing segments and their values:
Firing segment
Firing segment values
Program delay or program start
delay (see Section 8.1.3.)
Heating ramp (1.1)
Target temperature (2)
Soak time (3)
Heating ramp (1.1)
Soak temperature (2)
Soak time (3)
Cooling ramp (1.2)
Target temperature (2)
Soak time (3)
Cooling ramp (1.2)
Target temperature (2)
Soak time (3)
Visualisation of the example:
Firing program (firing curve)
Firing program sequence:
The temperature rises at the entered, ascending ramp (heating up) [ramp rate] until the kiln reaches the soak or
target temperature.
It then soaks (dwells) at the soak temperature for the soak period.
It then runs the next segment until the end of the program is reached.
It is possible to control ascending ramps (heating up) & descending ramps (cooling down).
Ascending ramps (heating up) and descending ramps (cooling down) are referred to as the "ramp rate".
The ramp rate is set in values between 1 and 999°C/h or as "FULL" (full load heating) or "END" (end of the
The soak/target temperature is settable over the range 0 to 1320°C (2408°F).
The soak period is settable over the range 00:00 (no soak) to 99 hours 59 mins.
During soaking, the kiln temperature and the remaining soak time appear on the display at intervals of 15 seconds.
Description of the values
Program delay = 1 h (60 min)
The firing program starts with a delay.
(Factory-set to 00 hours 00 min.)
Heating at 250°C/h
Heating up to 500°C
Hold for 0 min
Heating at 0°C/h
Hold at 500°C
Hold for 60 min
Cooling at 125°C/h
Cool to 20°C
Hold for 0 min
Setting the value to "END" ends the firing program.
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