Auto Mode
Auto Mode
Auto Mode allows the user to control the pump automatically via float switches or an analog sensor con-
nected to Analog 1 on the sensor input panel. Analog sensors supported for auto control are level transduc-
ers and pressure transducers with a 4-20mA output.
NOTE: Attempting to navigate away from the Auto Mode screen while the pump is in
operation will cause a warning screen to appear. If the YES button is selected on the
warning screen, the pump will be stopped, and navigation will continue. If the NO but-
ton is selected, pump operation will continue, and navigation will be canceled.
Basic Auto Mode Screen Navigation
The application illustration on the Auto Mode screen changes based on selected auto mode settings; how-
ever, the following buttons will always be present:
DISABLE button: Disables auto mode and stops the pump.
2. ENABLE button: Enables auto mode.
Depending on the configuration, the pump may run briefly when auto mode is enabled.
If Sleep Mode is selected and conditions are met, the pump will stop and move to Standby Mode.
3. FWD/REV button: Changes the motor rotation. Pressing this button will trigger a confirmation dialog
Press YES to change motor direction.
Press NO to keep the current motor rotation.
NOTE: If the pump is already running and FWD/REV is pressed and confirmed YES, the pump will slow
down to a stop, change direction, restart, and resume operating at the current speed setting.
4. Status Light/Indicator: shows pump status.
STOPPED (red): Indicates the pump is stopped.
RUNNING (solid green): Indicates the pump is running.
DECELERATING (flashing green): Indicates the pump is decelerating.
STANDBY (yellow): Indicates the pump is in standby and will run when a sensor is triggered.
NOTE: STANDBY status is only present in Auto Mode.
5. Automode Setup button: navigation to the screen to configure the system's application. Refer to
Mode Settings Screen Navigation" on page
6. RPM Gauge: Shows the current pump speed scaled via the RPM input on the Motor Settings screen.
Motor Settings: Navigation to the Motor Settings screen.
8. Home: Returns to Home screen. If the pump is running, the user will be asked to confirm the navigation
choice, which will result in a pump shutdown.