First TimeUse
ReadyourAssemblyManualand ensurethe grill is put
togetherproperly. Removeall Point-of-Purchase
advertisingmaterial f rom all grill surfacesbeforefirst use.
We recommendoperatingyour grill on its highestsettingfor
15-20 minutespriorto your first use. This aids in removing
the oils used duringmanufacturing.
Lava Rock/Briquettes
This gas grill has beendesigned,engineered,and testedto
be used with heattents to providemore even heating,
improvethe cleaning process,and reduceflare-ups. The
additionof after marketlava rocks,charcoal,or briquettes
of any typewill causepoor combustionand increasethe
likelihoodof a greasefire, and is not recommended.Using
briquettes,lavarock, or charcoalinthis grillwill void your
warranty. For extrasmokeflavor,we recommendusinga
smokerbox with wood chips.
Temperature- ConvectiveGrillsONLY.
The temperaturegauge inthe hood of your newgrill
measuresair temperature.The air temperatureinside your
grill will neverbe as hot as the temperatureat the cooking
Note: Since 1995,all regulators(the partthat attachesto
the gas tank to regulatethe flow of gas) have includeda
safetyfeature that restrictsgas flow in the event of a gas
leak.Youcan inadvertentlyactivatethis safetyfeature
without havinga gas leak.This typicallyoccurswhen you
turn on the gas usingthe grill control knob beforeyou turn
on the LP tank valve. If the gas regulatorsafetyfeature
activates,thegrill will only reachtemperaturesbetween
250°F and 300°F evenwith all burnerson the high setting.
Pre-HeatingYour Grill
Just like your homeoven,your grill shouldbe pre-heated
to provideoptimumperformance.Pre-heatthe grill on high
for 10-15 minutes- longerif weatherconditionsrequire.
Pleasereferto the lightinginstructionsinsidethe Product
Guide if you have questionsabout howto lightyour grill. A
match-lightchain and hole is providedfor your
Outdoorgrilling is reallyquite simple. You'llsucceedwith
burgers,dogs, or steaks usuallyon your very first try.
With experience,you will learnhow to workwith your grill,
creating more imaginativemealsall the time. This
knowledgemakesup the art of grilling. Beforeyou start
grilling, organizeyourfood accordingto cooking
techniqueandrequiredcooking time, and optimizethe
use of your grilling area.
Direct Cooking
Directcooking involvesgrilling your meatdirectly over
high heat, It is perfectfor searing steaks,chops, and
other smaller piecesof meatandvegetablesthat quickly
maketheir way to the table.
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Indirect Cooking
Indirectcookingutilizesselect burnersto circulate heat
throughoutthe grill,without direct contactbetweenthe
meatand theflame. The meat is placedover the burner
that is 'off'. This methodis generallyused to slow cook
largecuts of meatand poultry. A pancan be placed
underneaththe meatto catch greaseand food drippings,
and helps minimizeclean-up.
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Rotisserie Cooking
Rotisseriecookingis best for 'round' meat,such aslarge
roasts,whole poultry,and pork. It generallyrequiresan
accessorymotor and spit rod that allowsthe meatto be
turnedat a constantspeed. Rotisseriecooking is best
donein front of a specialrotisserieburner,or utilizingan
indirectcookingburner arrangement.A pan can be
placedunderneaththe meatto catchgreaseandfood
drippings,and helps minimizeclean-up.
Food Safety
Foodsafety is a very important partof enjoyingthe
outdoorcookingexperience. To keepfood safe from
harmfulbacteria,follow these four basicsteps:
Clean: Wash hands, utensils,and surfaceswith hot
soapywater beforeand after handlingraw meat.
Separateraw meatsfrom ready4o-eat f oods
to avoid crosscontamination. Usea clean platterand
utensilswhen removingcookedfoods.
Cook: Cookmeatand poultrythoroughlyto kill bacteria.
Usea thermometerto ensureproper internalfood
Chill: Refrigeratepreparedfoods and leftoverspromptly.
If your grill is not getting hotterthan 250°F to 300°F
these steps should be takenfirst to resetthe gas
regulatorsafety device:
1. Open the grill lid.
2. Turnoff all knobson the control panel infront.
3. Turnoff the tank knob.
4. Disconnectthe regulatorfrom the LP tank.
5. Wait 30 seconds.
6. Reconnect t he regulatorto the LPtank.
7. Slowly openthe LPtank knoball the way.Do not put
excessiveforceon the valveat the full open positionto
avoid damagingthevalve.
8. Turnon the appropriatecontrol knob and lightthe grill per
the instructions.
An illustrationof this processis includedin this Product
Guide. SeeTroubleshootingsectionfor additional