LP Cylinder Removal,Transport and Storage
,TurnOFF all control knobsand LP cylindervalve. Turn
coupling nutcounterclockwiseby handonly - do not use
tools to disconnect.Loosencylinder screw beneath
bottomshelf or disconnectother retentionmeans,then lift
LP cylinder up andand out of cart. Install safetycap onto
LP cylindervalve. Always use cap and strapsupplied
with valve. Failureto use safety cap as directed may
result in serious personal injury and/or property
,A disconnectedLP cylinderin storageor being
transportedmust have a safetycap installed(as
shown). Do not storean LP cylinder inenclosed
spaces suchas a carport,garage,porch,coveredpatio
or other building.Neverleave an LPcylinder inside a
vehiclewhich may becomeoverheatedby the sun.
,Do notstore an LPcylinder in an area where childrenplay.
LP Cylinder Valve ,_f_-_\
Safety Cap
"" Retainer Strap
•The LP cylinder used with your grill must meet
the following requirements:
•UseLP cylindersonly with these required
measurements:12" (30.5cm)(diameter)x 18" (45.7
ore)(tall)with20 lb. (9 kg.) capacitymaximum.
,LPcylindersmust be constructedand markedin
accordancewithspecificationsfor LPcylindersof the
U.S. Departmentof Transportation(DOT)or for Canada,
CAN/CSA-B339, c ylinders,spheresand tubesfor
transportationof dangerousgoods,TransportCanada
(TC). See LPcylindercollar for marking.
•LPcylinder valvemust have:
,Type 1 outlet compatiblewith
regulatoror grill.
,Safety reliefvalve.
OPD HandWheel
,UL listedOverfillProtectionDevice(OPD).This OPD
safetyfeature is identifiedby a uniquetriangularhand
wheel, Useonly LP cylinders equipped with this
type of valve.
,LP cylinder must be arrangedfor vaporwithdrawal
and includecollar to protectLPcylinder valve.
Always keepLP cylindersin uprightposition
duringuse, transit or storage.
LPcylinder in uprightpositionfor
LP(Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
•LP gas is nontoxic,odorlessand colorlesswhen
produced.For Your Safety, LPgas has been givenan
odor (similarto rotten cabbage)sothat it can be smelled.
•LP gas is highlyflammable and may igniteunexpectedly
when mixedwith air.
LP Cylinder Filling
•Use only licensedand experienceddealers.
•LP dealermust purge new cylinder beforefilling.
•DealershouldNEVERfill LPcylinder morethan 80% of
LP cylindervolume.Volumeof propanein cylinderwill
vary bytemperature.
•A frosty regulatorindicatesgas overfill. Immediatelyclose
LPcylinder valveand call localLP gas dealerfor
,Do not release liquidpropane(LP)gas into the
atmosphere.This is a hazardouspractice.
,To removegas from LP cylinder,contactan LP dealeror
calla localfire departmentfor assistance.Check the
telephonedirectory under"GasCompanies"for nearest
LPCylinder Exchange
,Many retailersthatsell grillsoffer you the optionof
replacingyour empty LPcylinder throughan exchange
service. Useonly those reputableexchangecompanies
that inspect,precisionfill, test and certify theircylinders.
Exchange your cylinder only for an OPD safety
feature-equipped cylinder as described in the "LP
Cylinder" section of this manual.
•Always keep newand exchangedLP cylindersin upright
positionduring use, transitor storage.
.Leaktest new and exchanged LP cylinders BEFORE
connecting to grill,
,Place safetycap on cylinder valveoutlet wheneverthe
cylinderis not in use. Onlyinstall the type of safetycap
on the cylindervalveoutlet that is providedwith the
cylindervalve. Othertypes of caps or plugsmay result in
leakageof propane.
LP Cylinder
Leak Test
For your safety
•Leaktest must be repeatedeach time LP cylinderis
exchangedor refilled.
•Do not smokeduringleaktest.
•Do not use an openflame to checkfor gas leaks.
•Grill must be leak tested outdoorsin a well-ventilated
area, awayfrom ignitionsourcessuch as gas firedor
electricalappliances.Duringleak test, keep grill away
from openflamesor sparks.
,Use a clean paintbrushand a 50/50mild soap andwater
solution.Brush soapysolution ontoareas indicatedby
arrowsin figure below.
A Do not use household cleaning agents. Damageto
gas traincomponentscan result.
If "growing"bubblesappear do not use or move the LP
cylinder.Contactan LPgas supplieror yourfire
Connecting Regulator to the LP Cylinder
1.LPcylinder must be properlysecured ontogrill. (Refer
to assemblysection.)
2.Turn all controlknobsto the OFF position.
3.Turn LPcylinder OFF byturning hand-wheel c lockwise
to a full stop.
4.Removethesafety cap from LP cylindervalve. Always
use cap andstrap suppliedwith valve.
_ _"_
OPD HandWheel
outlet with
on outside
Safety Relief Valve
Strap and Cap
Donot use a POLtransport
plug (plastic part with
externalthreads)! It will
defeat the safety feature of
the valve.
5.Hold regulatorand insert nippleinto
LPcylinder valve. Hand-tightenthe
couplingnut, holdingregulatorina
straightline with LPcylinder valve
soas not to cross-threadthe
Nipple has to be centered
into the LP cylinder valve.
Holdcoupling nut
and regulator as
shown for proper
connection to LP
cylinder valve.
6.Turn the couplingnut clockwiseandtighten to a full stop.
The regulatorwill sealon the back-checkfeature inthe
LP cylindervalve, resultinginsome resistance. A n
additional one-half to three-quarters turn is required
to complete the connection. Tighten by hand only -
do not use tools.
If you cannotcompletethe connection,disconnect
regulatorand repeat steps5 and6. If you are still unable
to completethe connection,do not use this regulator!
, Do not insert any tool or foreignobject into the valve
outlet or safety relief valve.You may damagethe
valveand causea leak. Leakingpropanemay result
in explosion,fire, severe personalinjury,or death.