3 Features and Functions
[Alarm] Menu
Press [Alarm] key on the front panel to configure alarm on the selected channel. There are four configurable alarms
in this instrument. You must configure the channel before setting any alarm limits. If you change the measurement
configuration, alarms are turned off and the limit values are cleared. If you plan to use
which will also use alarms, be sure to configure the scaling values first.
The [Alarm] menu features will not be available when DMM Digitize, or Digitizer is selected as the data acquis-
ition mode.
Configuring alarms limits on multiplexer modules
1. In Alarm menu page, press Output softkey to select which of the four alarms will be used to report alarm
conditions on the selected channel. You can assign multiple channels to any of the four available alarms
(numbered 1 through 4).
2. Press Alarm to disable (Off) or specify an alarm limit (high, low, or both), and then press Set Limits to determine
the limit value. The instrument will generate an alarm when a scanned or monitor reading exceeds the specified
Alarm softkey
High + Low
Set Limits softkey
N/A - Alarm is disabled
Specify the limits as high and low values, or as a center value with a span around the center value.
Pressing either the 1
or 2
softkey will toggle between the two options.
Specify the upper limit value using the knob or front panel arrow keys.
The upper limit value must always be greater than or equal to the lower limit.
Specify the lower limit value using the knob or front panel arrow keys.
The lower limit value must always be less than or equal to the upper limit.
scaling function
Keysight DAQ970A/DAQ973A User's Guide
on a channel