User Code
Code C21
Indication of: Software version, Model code and
Kernel version
Example: Programme version 1.22 for balancer model
XXX, for Kernel Version YYY .ZZZ.
Press the OK key;
1.22 is displayed.
For model code indication press key 27;
XXX is displayed.
For Kernel version indication press key 26;
YYY.ZZZ is displayed.
Code C28
Selecting one of the 10 error memory codes and
deleting the error memory
The last 10 different error codes are saved in the
error memory so that for example through the remote
diagnosis of malfunctions they can be tracked down by
the wheel balancer user. The most recent error code
is saved in memory location 1. Previous error codes
are gradually shifted down the memory list.
In the MAIN MENU press key 3 three times in
Select code C28, then press OK.
The Kernel no. of the fi rst error in the list is displayed.
Press key 27 to display the error code number
(left) and the total error repetitions (right).
Press key 25 to display, in the same mode, the
second error in the list.
key 28 = Delete the error memory.