To deactivate the 'Energy Manager' function, select another function (ALL / Permanent /
OFF / ON) and press the 'Enter' key.
Notes on configuring the switch-on and switch-off points
Insufficient difference between the switch-on point and the switch-off point or effec-
tive power fluctuations can cause frequent switching cycles.
To avoid excessive switching on and off, the difference between the switch-on and switch-
off points should be at least 100 - 200 W.
When selecting the switch-off point, consider the power consumption of the connected us-
When selecting the switch-on point, consider the weather conditions and the expected so-
lar radiation.
Application example
Switch-on point = 2,000 W, switch off point = 1,800 W
If the inverter supplies 2,000 W or more, the inverter's floating switch contact is switched
If the inverter output falls below 1,800 W, the floating switch contact is switched off.
This makes it possible to quickly implement interesting application options, such as oper-
ating a heat pump or an air-conditioning system using as much self-produced power as
Setting the time, date, display format, and automatic adjustment for daylight saving time
Setting range
Set time
Setting the time (hh:mm:ss or hh:mm am/pm, depending on the setting under Time dis-
play format)
Set date
Setting the date ( or mm/dd/yyyy, depending on the setting under Date dis-
play format)
Time display format
For specifying the format in which the time is displayed
Setting range
Factory setting
Date display format
For specifying the format in which the date is displayed
Setting range
Factory setting
Set time / Set date / Time display format / Date display format /
Daylight saving time
depends on the country setup
mm/dd/yyyy or
depends on the country setup