9. 6. 1. 7
• Depending on the configuration the voice mail system has between 2 and a
maximum of 16 voice mail channels, i. e. 2 or 16 incoming calls can be handled
simultaneously. Other callers obtain the busy tone.
• A mailbox owner can choose from three personal and one global greeting. The
relevant greetings must be recorded beforehand and the mailbox owner must
have the appropriate authorization in the user configuration.
• Once the total capacity of the voice memory or the maximum recording time
configurable for each Mailbox is reached, all subsequent callers forwarded to the
voice mail system obtain an overflow greeting. The overflow greeting remains
active until memory space is created again by deleting voice messages or gree-
– Once the total capacity of the voice memory is 90% full, all the mailboxes are
switched over to the overflow greeting until the value drops back below 80%.
These percentages are permanently fixed and cannot be modified.
– The size of the minimum recording capacity of a mailbox before it is switched
over to overflow greeting can be configured globally.
• The maximum storage time for new voice messages and voice messages that
have already been retrieved can be configured separately and globally.
• The minimum storage time of voice messages so they are stored as such can also
be configured globally.
Forwarding in line groups
• If a user who is a member of user group uses CFU to forward to voice mail, the
behaviour is the same as if he had used CFU to external or to a PISN user (see
"Desvío incondicional de llamada (CFU) para miembros del grupo de extensio-
nes", página
• CFUs to voice mail by line-group members using CFNR do not result in exclusion
from the line group. However the forwarding is always carried out after the con-
figured CFNR delay.
Funciones y prestaciones del sistema a partir de R2.1
syd-0370/1.2 – R2.1 – 07.2012