What sizes of cut to use?
If you do not have previous experience on the property that can help you
determine the ideal cut size for your working conditions, always follow
the advice of expert animal feed technicians.
4.10- Number of rotor knives
The chopping rotor of the harvester is
designed to chop with 7 or 14 knives. The
quantity of knives used should take into
account the following aspects:
Crop (type, age, density, etc);
Purpose of harvest (silage, daily treatment);
Tractor power used;
Theoretical length of cut.
In general, it is recommended:
corn and sorghum: 14 knives.
sugar cane and elephant grass: 7 knives.
This is not a rule, just a suggestion.
Your Harvester leaves the factory with 14
14 launchers
14 Knives
Instructions Manual
4. Preparation
7 Knives
7 launchers