Setting the Reader for KeyKode Scanning
After you lace film through the KeyKode reader and tension it, you need to configure your
Cintel scanner to read KeyKode. Go to the DaVinci Resolve film scanner panel and in the 'use
film' menu select 'KeyKode Perforations' or 'KeyKode Frames'. When you export a DPX file,
KeyKode information will be represented in frames or perforations accordingly.
Select 'KeyKode Perforations' or 'KeyKode Frames' from the
'use film' menu to scan KeyKode data on negative film prints
Use Film
Use these settings to determine the reader's KeyKode or audio reading functions. For
information on audio reading, refer to the 'Setting the Reader for Audio Scanning' section.
The settings for the KeyKode reader include:
KeyKode Perforations:
the perforation count.
KeyKode Frames:
KeyKode accurate to the frame count.
The reader will now scan any KeyKode information present on the film and save it as metadata
in each clip. You can also see the KeyKode metadata displayed at the top of the viewer within
DaVinci Resolve's film scanner panel.
To view the information, simply click on the viewer options icon at the top right corner of the
viewer and select 'KeyKode' from the menu.
Select 'KeyKode Perforations' to record KeyKode based on
Select 'KeyKode Frames' with any type of film to record
Optional Audio and KeyKode Reader