5.2.4 Inspection Every 250 Hrs. or 1 yr.
1) Replacing the Fuel Filter
Replace the fuel filter periodically before there
is clogging and the fuel flow is reduced.
① Close the fuel cock of the fuel tank.
② Drain the fuel from the fuel drain cock at the
bottom of fuel filter. See. 5.2.2(2)
③ Remove the connectors of the wiring and
remove the alarm switch using spanner.
④ Remove the fuel filter using filter wrench.
⑤ Tighten the new fuel filter. (Clean the fuel filter
installing surface).
Part No. of the fuel filter: X5186100664
Install the alarm switch to the new fuel filter.
Apply fuel to the gasket of the new fuel filter.
Lightly screw in the fuel filter in position and
tighten it until the gasket comes into
contact with the seat.
Manually tighten the filter by a 3/4 turn.
[tightening torque: 14.7~19.6 N . m(1.5~2.0 kgf . m)]
Connect the alarm switch wiring.
⑥ Fill fuel to the fuel filter. (See 3.2.2)
If you spill fuel, wipe such spillage carefully.
Start the engine to check for fuel leakage.
(2) Replacing Cooling Water
Cooling performance drops when the cooling water is contaminated with rust and scale.
Even if long life coolant (LLC) is added, the cooling water must be periodically replaced because
the properties of the agent will degenerate. Replace the cooling water periodically.
Draining the Cooling Water
Supplying Cooling Water
Lube Oil Filter
Filter wrench
Alarm switch
→ See 4.9.1(2).
→ See 3.5
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Removing the water
alarm switch