"Voila Plus" is a programmable and self adaptive system controlled by microprocessors, which are able to keep
a stoichiometric AIR/GAS ratio (Methane or Gpl) in any sort of working condition, within optimum values. It makes use of
the lambda feeler, motor rev number and throttle valve position (T.P.S. ) signals. The GAS adjustment is obtained
through an electromechanical actuator placed along the pipe that connects the pressure reducer to the mixer. The
electromechanical actuator is composed of a plastic body with calibrated holes for the GAS way, and on which a stepper
motor, capable of dosing when necessary the correct amount of GAS needed, is placed.
This being a self-adaptive system it needs no periodical adjustments. The only manual adjustment to be carried
out is that of the minimum on the pressure reducer and it is very important that it is done with maximum precision.
" VOILA PLUS " controls the carburetion even at minimum running, but if the pressure reducer adjustment is not at its
best (a too rich or too poor mix) it can not carry out meaningful variations. Its task is that of carrying out only one fine
carburetion adjustment at minimum running.
To adapt " VOILA PLUS " to the different characteristics of each single vehicle and to different working
conditions, it is possible to modify several parameters connecting oneself to the central system through a serial interface
( Code AEB 001 ) and a computer with an appropriate installed software ( Code AEB003 ). For the control of the
carburetion the TESTER ( Code AEB210ESP ) is sufficient.
The " VOILA PLUS" panel box, if correctly programmed, is able to simulate the working of the Lambda Feeler of
all vehicles, without having to add any other external Lambda Feeler emulator.
How to fix the Feedback System:
Perform good electrical connections avoiding the use of "CURRENT BLANKERS". Keep in mind
that the best electric connection is done with insulated welding.
Warn the Customer that if the fuse of the GAS installation should trip, the Feedback System
will resets the connections of the devices to which it is connected.
In order to avoid irreparable damage, the Feedback System box must never be opened for any
reason, especially when engine is running and panel is on.
A.E.B. shall not be held responsible for any damages or harm to things and persons owing
to the tampering of the device by non - authorised personnel and thus causing WARRANTY
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