The Health and Safety at Work Regulations (BetrSichV) apply to
operation and inspection: According to Section 3 BetrSichV, the
operator of the facility is obliged to carry out a risk assessment in
respect of operation and inspection. The presence of a CE marking
on the work equipment does not release the user from the require-
ment to perform a risk assessment. All hazards arising from the use of
work equipment must be incorporated in the assessment.
f The shelves must be inspected periodically for safety and espe-
cially for any damage that may have occurred. The standard
distinguishes between an "expert inspection", which must be
carried out at least every 12 months by a "qualified person",
and other inspections or visual checks that must be carried out at
shorter intervals.
To avoid misunderstandings, the inspections are defined as follows:
• "Periodic inspection by a competent person" corresponds to ex-
pert inspection by a qualified person.
• "Internal inspection by a competent person" corresponds to in-
spections or visual checks carried out at shorter intervals.
In terms of content, the inspections are essentially similar. However,
in an internal inspection, the scope of the inspection can be reduced,
for example, to those parts of the shelf where damage or defects
are most likely. For this purpose, specifications must be prepared by
those responsible for the store.
7.1 Requirements on the competent person
for the periodic inspection
The periodic inspections must be carried out by a competent person.
The technical regulation for operational safety TRBS 1203 requires
that the competent person must have specialist knowledge. This
specialist knowledge must have been acquired through completed
vocational training, job experience and recent work experience in
the area of the upcoming inspection of the object to be inspected, as
well as appropriate further training. Similarly, the competent person
must not be subject to any technical instructions in respect of their
inspection activities and must not be disadvantaged because of
These requirements are met, for example, by qualified and experi-
enced installers from the manufacturers and maintenance companies
as well as appropriately qualified personnel of the operator.
7.2 Requirements on the competent person
for internal inspections
As a rule, internal inspections are carried out by company personnel.
They too must fulfil the requirements for a competent person – as
required by the inspection task. For example, it is not necessary
for the internal inspection to check whether the shelf is assembled
according to the assembly instructions if the shelf geometry (com-
partment heights, spans) is never changed. It is the responsibility of
the owner/trader to select a suitable person to perform the periodic
and/or internal inspection of the shelves.
7 Monitoring & maintenance system
7.3 Are parts of the structure damaged?
Classification of damage
The green hazard level means that only monitoring is required, with
no reduction in the working load limit indicated on the load sticker.
The shelf components are considered safe for use. Marking of dam-
aged components (for example by colour marking) and documenta-
tion is nevertheless required.
The orange hazard level means that damage is dangerous and
requires action as soon as possible. If shelves with orange-hazard-
level damage are unloaded, they must not be reloaded without
having first been repaired.
The red hazard level represents very severe damage that requires
immediate action. The shelf must be immediately unloaded and quar-
antined until the repair has been carried out.
If there is no information on permissible deformations (e.g. for canti-
lever shelves, drive-in shelves), any damage found that might impair
safety must be repaired without exception or the shelf must be taken
out of service.
7.4 Documentation
The inspections carried out, defects found and their rectification must
be documented in accordance with Section 11 BetrSichV (written
documentation). A typical implementation would be use of a table
in which the identified damage and the necessary measures are
recorded. The documentation must be retained until at least the next
periodic inspection. If repairs must be carried out on the shelf, it
makes sense to retain the documentation for the entire service life of
the shelf in order to be able to determine at any time by whom and
to what extent repairs were carried out.
7.5 Measures to the carried out
The measures described in the inspection sheet must be carried out
in accordance with the warehouse manager's instructions, and any
necessary unloading of severely damaged shelves must be carried
out immediately.