(3) Temporarily stopping the sewing machine
(4) Performing re-sewing
Sewng can be performed wthout makng the cloth open operaton.
■ How to stop the sewing machine
1) Press temporary stop swtch 1 .
2) The sewng machne stops and "Er 10" s dsplayed.
■ How to re-start
1) Press [RESET
2) Re-start the sewng machne usng the start swtch,
1) Make sure that sewng LED 2 goes out.
2) Press [OPEN
3) Press [READY
4) The sewng can be performed wth the presser
5) To release ths settng, press [READY
] key 2 whle "Er 10" s beng
dsplayed and the error s released.
or press [FORWARD
key 4 and the feed mechansm travels forward/
backward sttch by sttch.
Further, press [RESET
sewng machne to the sewng start poston.
Operation of [FORWARD
] key or [RESET
perform thread trimming.
When temporarily stopping the sewing machine
during sewing and returning the sewing
machine to the start position with [RESET
key, draw out needle thread, cut the thread
with scissors or the like and perform the work.
The work can be performed without applying a
forced load to needle or sewing product.
When the LED lghts up, press [READY
3 to make t go out.
] key 1 to lght up cloth open
LED 4 .
] key 3 to perform the orgn
retrevel and the rght and left presser plates
open. The cloth settng poston becomes the
knfe actuatng poston.
swtch and the start swtch.
Cloth open ON/OFF operaton s not performed.
to make the sewng LED go out, then press [OPEN
] key 1 to make cloth open LED 5 go out.
When the cloth cutting knife is not operated,
prohibit the knife operation with [KNIFE ON/
] key 5 .
] key 3 or [BACK
] key 1 to return the
] key,
] key cannot
] key
] key 3