In the next step, both hoses for supply of compressed air in the discharging
system (pos. 2, B) are to be put on the unused adapters of compressed air on
the 3/2-way valve (item 2, A).
Finally, connect the compressed air supply hose (pos. 3, B) to the pressure
regulator (pos. 3, A).
Mounting of the transport hoses to the cyclone using a tube yoke is the last
step. Make sure that both hoses are positioned in the specified places;
otherwise, and transport, i.e. discharging, could not take place. Connect the
transport hose (pos. 4, B) to the cyclone top outlet (pos. 4, A). Then connect
the other hose (pos. 5, B) to the cyclone inlet (pos. 5, A).
Attach the sheet metal cover again, pay attention to the grounding cable.
It is absolutely necessary to observe the direction of flow through the cyclone. The
following figure illustrates the direction of flow through the cyclone which will
guarantee trouble-free operation.
Figure 6, Direction of flow through the cyclone and compressed air and power supplies
In the last step, connect compressed air supply hose to the pos. 1. Power
supply is to be connected to the pos. 2.
The operator may not suspend the complete filtration device using the
crane lugs on the suction part. The segments must be installed
Serial No.: 1502206
Technical modifications without previous notification and errors reserved.
KEMPER CleanAirTower Instruction manual - EN
- 68 -
Status as of: 05/2014