n "TC" (Traction Control) adjustment
When the display is in "RACE" mode, it is possible to
perform directly the adjustment of the traction control
Press the " " (left) or " " (right) controls to increase
or decrease the traction control level. Such value may
range between 0 and 8.
Do not press any button for two seconds; the selec-
ted value of the traction control level is confirmed.
n "FLC" (Front Lift Control) activation
Press the "OK" button to modify the activation state
of the "FLC" function.
Press the " " (left) or " " (right) controls to change
the indicated value from "0" (FLC inactive) to "1" (FLC
active) or inversely.
Press the "OK" button or don't press any button for
two seconds; the activation state of the "Front Lift
Control" function is confirmed, then the display returns
to the modification mode of the traction control level
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