Test bench MS005/MS005A
7 – Battery status indicators.
8 – Indicator of open/closed protective cover.
9 – Indicator of closed bench doors. Diagnosis is not possible with any door open.
10 – Indicator of the "EMERGENCY STOP" button pressed.
11 – Activation of the starter diagnostic mode.
12 – Selection of the diagnosed starter voltage.
13 – "SETTINGS" menu – adjustment of bench parameters.
The "SETTINGS" menu contains 4 tabs:
"General" – allows setting the company name and contact information. It also provides the
option to choose the program interface language.
"Automatic Testing" – allows selecting an automatic testing script for each alternator type. This
tab also manages script and automatic testing report files, see Appendix 2.
"Belt Tension" – allows adjusting the tension force of the belt and chain.
"Service" – used by factory service specialists in case of software malfunctions, see Fig. 12.
Figure 11. Main menu of the bench