Secure the RE into the bottle cage using the supplied Specialized battery retainer band (Fig. 12.4).
Locate the charge port on the non-drive-side of the frame, near the bottom bracket (Fig 12.5).
Open the charge port lid (Fig. 12.5) and insert the RE plug into the charge port (Fig. 12.6).
Once the plug is seated correctly, twist the lever on the connector clockwise to lock the cable in place (Fig. 12.7).
To verify the RE is successfully connected to the system, check that the green battery level LED lights appear on
the TCU.
95 % - 100 %
WARNING: When riding with a RE, always keep the RE cable plugged and locked into the charge
port of the bicycle. A loose cable can cause damage to your bicycle and the RE and can become an
obstruction which may cause you to lose control and fall.
CAUTION: When installing the bottle cage make sure to use the supplied screws, longer screws
can cause damage to the RE.
WARNING: Use of a non specified bottle cage can cause the RE to come loose and fall out, causing
damage to both the bicycle and the RE, it may also cause you to lose control and fall.
When Using the RE, both the internal battery and the RE are discharged simultaneously by default. In the Mission
Control App, you can choose to completely discharge the RE(s) first.
When charging the RE, you may use either the standard charger supplied with your bicycle or you can use the
optional Y-Splitter cable in conjunction with the charger to charge both the internal battery and the RE battery at the
same time. Please refer to the charging section of this manual for charging instructions.
The Y-Splitter cable is available through your Authorized Specialized Retailer.
When the RE is attached to the bicycle, the charge level is displayed on the TCU, the TCD and the Mission Control
App. The displays adapt to show the state of charge for both internal and RE batteries.
With both the internal battery and the RE fully charged, the TCD will show the two charge levels separately (Fig. 12.9
A), but also combine the two charge level amounts (Fig. 12.9 B) to show a separate full charge level of 150 %. Logic
30 % - 94%
10% - 29%
5% - 9%
0% - 4%