Possible combinations of assistants and functions
'Measure from picture'
'Draw in picture'
'Area and Volume'
'Not reflecting'
4.1.3 Standard laser (single measurement)
In 'Standard Laser'mode, after a measure button is
pressed and the measurement is taken, the laser is
switched off.
The current mode ‒ 'Standard Laser' or 'Permanent
Laser' ‒ is displayed as an icon on the status bar on the
main screen.
4.1.4 Permanent laser (multiple measurement)
In 'Permanent Laser' mode, the laser is not switched
off after a measure button is pressed and the measure-
ment is taken, instead remaining on. This means that
measurements can be carried out in quick succession
without having to repeatedly switch the tool on.
The current mode ‒ 'Standard Laser' or 'Permanent
Laser' ‒ is displayed as an icon on the status bar on the
main screen.
4.1.5 Using the aiming camera
Aiming with the help of the camera facilitates accurate
orientation of the laser range meter, even at longer
Minimum spacing required for use of the aiming camera's cross hairs
The aiming camera makes it easier to accurately position the laser spot. This is useful both outside in daylight
and in the case of larger interior distances, i.e. whenever it is difficult or impossible to distinguish the laser spot.
The aiming camera and the laser are located next to each other, two to three centimeters (roughly an inch)
apart. As a result, when measuring short distances, the laser spot and the center of the cross hairs cannot be
aligned. This behavior is normal and is caused by the same parallax error that allows you to see two fingers
if you hold a single finger against the tip of your nose. The laser spot and the cross hairs can be aligned from
two meters away (roughly 6.5 feet) when the zoom is switched off or from five meters away (roughly 16 feet)
when the zoom is set to maximum.
The measurement is always calculated from the laser spot, regardless of the center of the cross hairs.
Zoom and brightness
When the aiming camera is activated, the zoom and brightness can be adjusted by tapping and swiping.
Yes, for the first mea-
surement. Not for the
second measurement
(angle measurement
Not applicable
Yes, for the first mea-
surement. Not for the
second measurement
(angle measurement
Not applicable
Aiming camera