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поряд із ліжком дорослих. Цей виріб не передбачає
Cleaning and maintenance
встановлення до батьківського ліжка.
Stokke® Sleepi™ Mattress (sold separately)
• Діти нерідко грають, стрибають та підскокують
MATTRESS COVER: Washable at 60°C / 140°F. Stretch while wet.
у місці сну. Тому поставте Stokke® Sleepi™ Bed на
Do not tumble dry. Dry flat."
достатній відстані від вікон, шнурів жалюзі та штор,
MATTRESS CORE: Rinse mattress core with warm water and dry
будь-яких інших шнурів або мотузок. Поставте
flat. If your child has an accident, the mattress cover and core
Stokke® Sleepi™ Bed прямо до стіни або забезпечте
should always be washed.
відстань 300 мм / 12 дюймів між стіною та стінкою
WOOD: Wipe with a clean, damp cloth, wipe off excess water.
Stokke does not recommend any use of detergents. The colour of
the wood may change if exposed to sun.
NORMAL USE: Always remove the duvet in the morning and let
the bed and duvet "cool down" and dry up.
Stokke® Sleepi™ Mini
• WARNING – Stop using the product )Mini( as soon as
the child can sit or kneel or pull itself up.
• FALL HAZARD—To help prevent falls, do not use this
product when the infant begins to push up on hands
and knees or has reached 19,8 lbs )9 kg(, whichever
comes first.
• Do not let other children play unsupervised near the
• Make sure the wheels on the Mini is in locked position
when a child is in it.
• Use ONLY mattress/pad provided by the Stokke® which
Read all instructions BEFORE assembly and USE of
must be at least 30.1 in. long by 23.2 in. wide, and not
more than 1.4 in. thick, and have the shape of the crib.
• The mattress used with this cradle should not be more
than 1.4 in. thick and should measure no less than
Safe Sleep
• As soon as your baby comes home, she/he will need a safe
30.1 in. long and 23.2 in. wide. When the mattress is
pushed against the sides of the cradle, there should
place to sleep. Pediatrics recommends that babies sleep in their
parents' room (but not the same bed) for the first six months or,
be no gap bigger than 1 in. between the mattress and
the sides of the cradle.
ideally, for the first year. Having a sturdy, secure crib or bassinet
for baby is essential.
• if a sheet is issued with the pad, use only the one
provided by the bassinet or cradle manufacturer or
• To reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome),
pediatricians recommend healthy infants be placed on their
one specifically designed to fit the dimension of the
bassinet or cradle mattress
backs to sleep, unless otherwise advised by your physician, a
firm mattress with a tight-fitting sheet will be needed as well.
• Keep soft objects and loose bedding away from the infant's
Infants have suffocated:
sleep area to reduce the risk of SIDS, suffocation, entrapment,
• In gaps between extra padding and side of the bas-
and strangulation.
sinet/cradle, and
Stokke recommends following The American Academy of Pediatrics
• On soft bedding
recommandations for safe infant sleeping environments: www.
• In gaps between a mattress too small or too thick
and product sides
| Stokke® Sleepi™
Information about your new Stokke® Sleepi™
• Use only the pad provided by manufacturer. NEVER add
Mini Mattress and Stokke® Sleepi™ Bed Mattress
a pillow, comforter, or another mattress for padding.
(sold separately)
Stokke® Sleepi™ Bed
• Make sure the single mesh side of the mattress is facing
• The mattress base can be adjusted to four different
positions. Ensure the distance from the mattress to the
top of the bed is always at least 11.8" in the highest
position and at least 20" in the lowest position. This
level is marked at the cot end ) (. An original mattress
from Stokke ensures a high quality fit.
• The lowest position is the safest and that the base
should always be used in that position as soon as the
baby is old enough to sit up;
• Make sure to keep medication, string, elastic, small
toys or small items such as money out of reach from
any position in the cot.
• Do not use this product without reading the instruc-
• To prevent injuries from falls when your child can climb
tions for use first. Read these instructions carefully
in and out of the bed by itself, you shall no longer use
and follow them in detail to ensure that the safety
the Sleepi™ Bed as a cot. When your child is ready,
features of the Mini and Bed is not compromised.
you may remove one side of the cot and adjust the
Keep the instructions for later use. Save the hex key
mattress base to the lowest position. Once the cot side
for later use. Re-tighten all screws 2-3 weeks after
is removed, ensure to also disassemble the wheels.
assembly, and re-tighten regularly.
• Discontinue use of crib when child is able to climb out
• When assembling the product, do not tighten the
or reaches the height of 35 in. )890mm(.
screws until the whole unit is assembled. Doing this
ensures you the easiest way to assemble.
WARNING - Infants can su ocate
• Make sure the Stokke® Sleepi™ is placed on a level and
• In gaps between a mattress too small or too thick
stable surface. After assembly, re-check and tighten
and product sides
all fittings and screws. Fittings and screws should
• On soft bedding
be checked regularly and retightened as necessary.
• NEVER add a mattress, pillow, comforter, or padding.
Loose screw connections or parts could lead to the
• Child can become entrapped and die when improvised
baby trapping a body part, or clothing )e.g. strings,
netting or covers are placed on top of product. Never
necklaces, ribbons for babies' dummies, etc.( which
add such items to confine child in product.
would pose a risk of strangulation.
• When a child is able to sit, kneel or to pull itself up, the
• Never place the Stokke® Sleepi™ by an open fire or
cradle/bassinet shall not be used anymore for this child.
sources of strong heat such as electric bar fires, gas
• Use ONLY mattress/pad provided by the STOKKE which
fires, etc. due to the risk of fire.
must be at least 53,2 in. long by 26.8 in. wide, and not
• Never use this product if there are any loose or missing
more than 3.3 in. thick, and have the shape of the crib.
fasteners, loose joints, broken parts or torn mesh/
• The mattress used with this crib should not be more
fabric. Check before assembly and periodically during
than 3.3 in. thick and should measure no less than
use. Contact Stokke LLC for replacement parts. Never
53,2 in. long and 26.8 in. wide. When the mattress is
substitute parts.
pushed against the sides of the crib, there should be
• Do not use any accessories or replacement parts not man-
no gap bigger than 1 in. between the mattress and
ufactured by Stokke®, this may affect your child's safety.
the sides of the crib.
• Strings can cause strangulation! Never place items with
a string around a child's neck such as hood strings or
pacifier cords. Never suspend strings over product or
pulls or other strings or cords. Either place the Sleepi
attach strings to toys.
bed right up to a wall, or ensure there is a 300mm / 12
• Placing additional items in the product may cause
inches gap between the wall and the side of the bed.
• Do not leave anything in the cot or place the cot close
to another product, which could provide a foothold
or present a danger of suffocation or strangulation,
e.g. strings, blind/curtain cords
• Do not use more than one mattress in the Stokke®
• This product is only intended for use with 1 child at
the time.
• Never use plastic shipping bags or other plastic film as
mattress covers not sold and intended for that purpose.
They can cause suffocation.
• Never use a water mattress with this product.
• If refinishing, use a non-toxic finish specified for chil-
dren's products.
• The crib, including side rails, must be fully erected
prior to use.
• Child can become entrapped and die when improvised
netting or covers are placed on top of product. Never
Lire toutes les instructions AVANT le montage et
add such items to confine child in product.
• When child is able to pull to standing position, set
mattress/base to lowest adjustment position and
remove bumper pads, large toys, and other objects
that could serve as steps for climbing out.
• Always provide the supervision necessary for the con-
tinued safety of your child. When used for playing,
never leave child unattended.
• Never place product near a window where cords from
blinds or drapes can strangle a child.
WARNING for Juvenile configuration
(open Stokke® Sleepi™)
RISQUE DE CHUTE – Pour éviter les chutes, ne pas
• When your child is old enough, the side of the Sleepi
utiliser ce produit lorsque votre bébé commence à
bed may be removed for your child to enter and exit
se mettre à quatre pattes ou a atteint un poids de
the Sleepi bed on their own. A sign of the child being
9 kg, selon la première éventualité.
ready for this is when he or she starts climbing out of
the bed on their own.
• Utiliser UNIQUEMENT le matelas/coussin fourni par
• Do not use the Sleepi Bed with the side removed next
Stokke® qui doit mesurer au moins 74 cm. de long et
to an adult bed. This product is not a co-sleeper.
56 cm de large, et pas plus de 2,5 cm d'épaisseur et
• Children are likely to play, bounce and jump in their
avoir la forme du berceau.
sleeping area. Therefore, ensure the Sleepi bed is placed
• Le matelas utilisé avec ce berceau ne doit pas dépasser
away from furniture, windows, blind cords, curtain
2,5 cm d'épaisseur et ne doit pas mesurer moins de
74 cm de long et 56 cm de large. Lorsque le matelas
135 cm de long et 68 cm de large. Lorsque le matelas
est poussé contre les côtés du berceau, il ne doit pas
est poussé contre les côtés du berceau, il ne doit pas
y avoir plus de 2,5 cm entre le matelas et les côtés
y avoir d'espace supérieur à 2,5 cm entre le matelas
du berceau.
et les côtés du berceau.
• Utiliser uniquement celui fourni par le fabricant du
• Ne jamais utiliser ce produit avec des attaches dessé-
couffin ou du berceau ou celui spécialement conçu
rées ou manquantes, des joints dessérés, des pièces
pour s'adapter aux dimensions du matelas du berceau
brisées ou avec un tissu/filet déchiré. Vérifier l'état au
ou du couffin.
moment de l'assemblage et régulièrement pendant la
• Vérifier que le matelas est bien ajusté. Il ne devrait
péiode d'utilisation. Contacter Stokke LLC pour obtenir
pas y avoir plus de 2,5 cm d'épaisseur. Il ne devrait
des pièces de rechange. Ne jamais substituer de pièces.
pas y avoir plus de 3 cm d'espace entre le matelas et
• L'enfant peut s'étrangler avec les cordons ! Ne jamais
le contour du berceau )bord(.
placer d'objets avec une corde autour du cou de votre
enfant, comme une capuche à cordons. Ne jamais
suspendre de ficelles au-dessus du produit ni attacher
Les enfants peuvent s'étouffer :
de cordes autour des jouets.
• dans l'écart compris entre un matelas supplémentaire
• Le berceau, y compris les côtés du lit doit être entiè-
et le bord du berceau/couffin
rement monté avant d'être utilisé.
• sur un matelas trop mou
• L'enfant peut rester coincé et mourir lorsqu'un filet
• dans l'espace compris entre les rebords du lit et un
improvisé ou des couvertures sont placées sur le pro-
matelas trop petit ou trop épais
duit. Ne jamais utiliser un de ces objets pour contenir
• Utiliser uniquement le tampon fourni par le fabricant.
l'enfant dans le produit.
Ne JAMAIS ajouter d'oreiller, de couette ou de matelas
• Lorsque l'enfant est capable de se mettre en position
supplémentaire en guise de rembourrage.
debout, régler le matelas/la base à la position la plus
• Cesser d'utiliser le berceau lorsque l'enfant est capable
basse et retirer les coussinets de protection, les grands
de sortir ou atteint une taille de 89 cm.
jouets et autres objets qui pourraient servir de marches
pour sortir.
AVERTISSEMENT – Les nourrissons peuvent s'étou er
• Fournir toujours l'encadrement nécessaire pour as-
• dans l'espace compris entre les rebords du lit et un
surer la sécurité continue de votre enfant. Lorsque
matelas trop petit ou trop épais
le produit sert pour jouer, ne jamais laisser l'enfant
• sur un matelas trop mou
sans surveillance.
• Ne JAMAIS ajouter un autre matelas, un oreiller, un
• Ne jamais placer le produit près d'une fenêtre où les
couvre-lit ou un coussinet.
cordons des stores ou des champs peuvent étrangler
• L'enfant peut rester coincé et mourir lorsqu'un filet
un enfant.
improvisé ou des couvertures sont placées sur le pro-
• Ce matelas est conçu pour le lit Stokke® Sleepi™, numé-
duit. Ne jamais utiliser un de ces objets pour contenir
ro de modèle : 600301 qui a des dimensions internes
l'enfant dans le produit.
maximales de 1361 × 692 mm.
• Cesser d'utiliser le berceau/couffin une fois que l'en-
• Taille du matelas : 53,54 × 26,77 × 3,15 po. /
fant est capable de s'asseoir, se mettre à genoux ou
1 350 × 698 × 80 mm"
se redresser.
• Utiliser UNIQUEMENT le matelas/coussin fourni par
Stokke® qui doit mesurer au moins 135 cm. de long
et 68 cm de large, et pas plus de 8 cm d'épaisseur et
avoir la forme du berceau.
• Le matelas utilisé avec ce berceau ne doit pas dépasser
8 cm d'épaisseur et ne doit pas mesurer moins de
Stokke® Sleepi™ |


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