The following advanced settings can be made:
n Perform firmware update
n Change the default setting (20 A) for the unbal-
anced load limitation (possible values:
10 A ... 30 A)
n Deactivate acoustic feedback
n Deactivate energy-saving mode (for reduced
standby consumption)
n Indicate the number and phase sequence of the
connected phases
n Activate undervoltage / overvoltage detection
for the connected phases and set the respect-
ive limit values
n Import and export settings
n Set the overcurrent fault trip tolerance (default:
standard tolerance)
n Change the logic of the downgrade input (de-
fault: downgrade is active when the switching
contact is closed)
n Set the brightness of the buttons (default: me-
n Adjust the colour settings of the LED status dis-
n Managing RFID cards
n Deactivate the wake-up function ("waking up" of
vehicle so that a charging process can be con-
n Set the measuring point of the energy meter for
blackout protection and for the "Solar charging"
and "Solar-assisted charging" modes (default:
energy meter measures external consumers
and charging station (total consumption)
n Minimum charging power for the "Solar-assisted
charging" mode (default of the 11 kW variant:
1,380 W; default of the 22 kW variant: 4,140 W)
n Only for AMTRON® 4You 300 11:
n Set the number of phases for solar charging
(single-phase (standard), three-phase, dy-
namic phase switchover)
n Minimum charging power for the "Solar-as-
sisted charging" mode (default: 1,380 W -
11,000 W)
n Set the duration of the charging pause for a
dynamic phase switchover (default: short
(120 s))
n Set fallback current in case of failure of the con-
nected energy management system (default: 0
n Set fallback current in case of failure of the con-
nected energy meter (default: 6 A)
n Change Modbus RTU settings (e.g. baud rate)
n Select connected energy meter
Information on compatible energy meters
can be found on our website:
In addition, the current operating values are dis-
played and the DIP switch settings are explained in
the configuration tool. Should a fault occur, the con-
figuration tool offers assistance with troubleshoot-
ing (fault message, log file).
To use the configuration tool, the MEN-
NEKES configuration cable is required. You
can find the MENNEKES configuration cable
(order number 18625) on our website under
"Products" > "Accessories". You can also
download the configuration tool and in-
struction manual there.
1 "1.1 Website" [
The instruction manual for the configuration tool
describes how to install and use the tool.
1 Comply with the configuration tool manual.