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Maytag Amana Magic Chef CLY1620BDS12 Manual De Instrucciones página 11


Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Roasting is themethod forcooking large,tender c utsof
meatuncovered, without a ddingmoisture. M ostmeats
are roasted at 325°F. I t is notnecessary t o preheat t he
Usetender c utsof meat w eighing t hreepounds or more.
Some good choices are:Beefrib,ribeye, t opround, h igh
quality tipandrump roast, p orkloinroast, l egoflamb, v eal
shoulder r oast a ndcuredor smoked hams.
Season meat,if desired, e itherbefore or afterroasting.
Rubintothesurface oftheroast i fadded before cooking.
Place themeat f at-side-up o na rackinashallow roasting
pan.Placingthe meaton a rack holds it out of the
drippings, thusallowing betterheatcirculation foreven
cooking. Asthefatontopoftheroastmelts, t hemeatis
bastednaturally,eliminating the need for additional
Thecooking timeisdetermined bytheweight o fthemeat
andthedesired doneness. Formore accurate r esults, use
a meat t hermometer. Insert i t sothetipis inthecenter o f
the thickest p artof the meat.It shouldnottouchfat or
Remove t he roast f romtheovenwhen thethermometer
registers a pproximately 5°Fbelow thedoneness w anted.
Asthe meat s tands, t hetemperature w illrise.
NOTE:For moreinformation aboutfood safety,call
USDA's Meat& Poultry Hotline at 1-800-535-4555. For
cooking information w ritetotheNational LiveStockand
Meat Board,444 North MichiganAvenue,Chicago,
Illinois 60611.
Broiling is a method of cooking tendermeatsby direct
radiantheat.The cookingtime is determined by the
distancebetween the meatandthe ovenburner,the
desireddegreeof doneness andthe thickness of the
Broiling requires t heuseofthebroiler p anandinsert. T he
broilerinsertmustbe in placeto allowfat andliquidto
drainto the panbelowto prevent s patters, s mokeand
flare-ups. Improper u semaycausegrease fires.
Foreasier c lean up,line thebroiler p anwithfoilandspray
theinsert w itha non-stick v egetable s pray. D onotcover
the broilerinsertwithaluminum foilas thisprevents f at
fromdraining intopanbelow.
Trimexcess fatandslash remaining f attohelpkeep meat
from curlingand to reducesmokingand spattering.
Season meat a ftercooking.
It is possible to broillongercooking foodssuchas pork
chopsat a lower temperature t o prevent o verbrowning.
Turn theknob to400 ° or450 °F,rather t hanBROIL, forlow
temperature broiling. Reduce t hebroil t emperature to400
to450°Fif excessive s moking or splattering o ccurs.
Meatshouldbeturnedonceabouthalfway through its
cooking time.Check thedoneness b ycutting a slitinthe
meat n earthecentertocheck thecolor.
SeeCareandCleaning Chart o npage15forinstructions
oncleaning thebroiler p anandinsert.
NOTE: T opurchase a two-piece broilerpanforyourRV
range, filloutthepurchase o rder f ormthatcame withyour
RV range. If you did not receive the form call
1-800-688-9900 USA,1-800-688-2002

