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Maytag Amana Magic Chef CLY1620BDS12 Manual De Instrucciones página 5


Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Use panswithflat bottoms and handles that are easily
grasped andstaycool.Avoid using unstable, warped, easily
tipped or loosehandled pans. P ansthatareheavy to move
when filledwithfoodmayalsobehazardous.
Besureutensil i slargeenough to properly c ontain foodand
avoid boilovers. Pansizeisparticularly i mportant indeep fat
frying. B esurepanwill a ccommodate thevolume offoodthat
is tobeaddedaswellasthebubble action offat.
Turn offallcontrols a ndwait f orappliance p arts tocool b efore
touching orcleaning t hem.Donottouchtheburner g rates or
surrounding areas until t heyhavehadsufficient timetocool.
Clean appliance w ithcaution. U secaretoavoid steam burns
ifawetsponge orclothisused towipespills ona hotsurface.
Some cleaners c anproduce noxious f umes ifapplied t oa hot
To minimize burns,ignition of flammable materials and
spillage d uetounintentional contact w iththeutensil, donot
extend handlesover
panhandles t oward the
side or back of the
appliance, not out into
the roomwherethey
are easily hit or
reached by
Never l eta panboildryasthiscould damage theutensil and
Followthe manufacturer's d irectionswhen using oven
cooking bags.
Only certaintypes of glass,glass/ceramic, ceramic,or
glazedutensilsare suitablefor cooktopor ovenusage
without b reaking d uetothesudden change intemperature.
Thisappliance h asbeentested forsafeperformance u sing
conventional c ookware.Do not use any devices or
accessories that arenot specifically r ecommended in this
manual. Donotuseeyelid covers forthesurface units, s tove
top grills,or add-on ovenconvection systems. T heuseof
devices oraccessories thatarenotexpressly r ecommended
in this manual cancreateserious safetyhazards, r esultin
performanceproblems,and reduce the life of the
components oftheappliance.
TheCalifornia S afeDrinking WaterandToxicEnforcement
Act of 1986(Proposition 65) requiresthe Governorof
California t opublish a listofsubstances k nown totheState
of California to causecanceror reproductive h arm,and
requires businessesto warn customersof potential
exposures t osuchsubstances.
Usersofthisappliance arehereby warned thattheburning
ofgascanresult i n low-level exposure t o someofthelisted
substances, including b enzene, formaldehyde andsoot, d ue
primarily t otheincomplete combustion ofnatural gasorliquid
petroleum (LP) fuels.Properly a djusted burners w illminimize
incomplete c ombustion. Exposure t othesesubstances can
alsobe minimized by properly venting the burners to the
outdoors by opening the windows a nd/ordoorin the room
where theappliance is located.
Neverkeeppetbirdsinthe kitchen or in roomswhere the
fumesfrom the kitchencould reach.Birdshavea very
sensitiverespiratory system.Fumesreleased duringan
ovenself-cleaning c yclemaybe harmful o r fatalto birds.
Fumes releaseddue to overheatedcookingoil, fat,
margarine and overheated non-stickcookwaremay be
equally harmful.

