Set up protocol
After successful set up, complete this form fully, sign it, make a copy and send to the manufacturer within a week.
Otto Nußbaum GmbH & Co.KG
Korker Straße 24
D-77694 Kehl-Bodersweier
The system with serial number ________________________________ was set up on (date) ________________________________
at (company name) ____________________________________________________ in (town, city) _________________________________________
checked for function and safety and put into operation.
The set up was done by the operating company / specialist (score out the one that does not apply).
The operating company confirms proper system set up, has read and will comply with all information contained in this operating manual and
inspection book, and will keep this document accessible to trained operators at all times.
The specialist confirms proper system set up, has read all information in this operating manual and inspection book, and has transferred the
documents to the operating company.
Only fill out if the system has a fixed anchor.
Anchor used *) ______________________________
Minimum anchor depth *) complied with: ________________ mm
Tightening torque *) complied with:
*) see package insert the dowel manufacturer
____________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
____________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Servicepartner: ______________________________________________________________________
20110005 SPRINTER MOBIL 2500-3000 - HYMAX PRO 2500-3000 OPI
Type/ brand
___________________ Nm
Name, Betreiber & Firmenstempel
Name, Sachkundiger
Version 1.0
Unterschrift Betreiber
Unterschrift Sachkundiger