4 Final assembly and installation of oneAdvanced 16–90 PE
Lower tank connections (only for 4-tank systems)
Holes for the lower tank connections
The preliminary cleaning/sludge storage tanks are connected to one another at the end faces. The rele-
vant drilling height can be found in the table above, yet this distance must be measured from below.
Overflow baffles for the lower tank connections
The lower tank connections are connected between both preliminary cleaning tanks and the SBR tank via
the lower end faces of the tank (please note: the preliminary cleaning and SBR tank may only be linked
together at the top), see the figure above.
In order to ensure that the deposited sludge is retained
in the tanks, the tank connection must be extended to
the top.
Assembly involves inserting a short pipe section (length
150 mm) into the tank from the outside to the inside (1)
and then fitting the overflow baffle (2).
The connection sockets must be secured using Spax
screws. The complete tank connection is shown in the
adjacent figure.
24 / 144
Pipe diameter
<= 50 PE: DN 110