4.3.1. Skew
Skew is a term used to identify when an item is misaligned when scanned.
Typically, a skewed item prevents the scanned image from being read
Item skew is determined by the angle in which an item enters the scanner (see
Figure 4-36). The angle is calculated by a set of LED transmit and receive
parts that detect when one sensor is uncovered for a while. If the angle is
greater than 2 degrees, then the system will jam for "too skewed". If it jams for
5 degrees or more, contact your OPEX administrator.
4.3.2. To Scan Items Into the System
After you have selected a job, you are ready to scan items.
1 Press Go on the Run screen.
2 Place the first item onto the conveyor as shown in Figure 4-37.
Drop items here
Figure 4-36: Skew examples
Figure 4-37: Ideal Drop Area
Falcon+ Operator Manual
OPEX Corporation