- Current jobs/operators - To use the job names and operators currently
stored in the Controller's memory (as shown in the Jobs and Operators
- Read thru previous runs - To find runs deleted from the current list of
jobs and operators. For example, if a job file was deleted from the Job
Name frame, it is still stored in the stats file. You can access it by
selecting this radio button, then clicking the Refill button.
3. In the Summary section, select one of the radio buttons:
- All - to generate a statistics report for every job run that matches the
selected criteria
- Jobs - to generate a statistics report sorted by job name(s)
- Operators - to generate a statistics report sorted by Operator name(s)
- Check the box to exclude jobs run by the OPEX Technician in your
4. Click the Test Matching Runs button to see how many jobs have been run
that match the criteria selected above.
- If N/A appears to the right of the button, then there are no jobs to report
that match the criteria listed. Change your search criteria.
- If a number appears after the Matching Runs button, continue to the next
5. Click the Summary Report button at the bottom of the screen.
A statistics report for the selected criteria will appear. Figure A-2 shows the
report for the above criteria.
Falcon+ Operator Manual
OPEX Corporation