Table 5: Reasons for jams (continued)
Piece Thickness Sensor
Runout Problem
Missing Piece at Straight
Through Path
Batch Manager has an
Internal Error
Detected a File Write
ScanLink Plug-in Failed
ScanLink Plug-in
Requested a Jam
Host to Controller Report
Jam Caused by Reject
Double Detected
MFD Skew Angle
Exceeded Sensor
Results when the thickness sensor runout is
greater than the maximum runout defined in the
machine parameters.
Results when the piece was supposed to go to
the stacker bypass bin but didn't.
Results when there is an internal error within
Batch Manager.
Results when the software detects a problem
with writing image or batch files to the specified
Results when there is a failure sending
information to the ScanLink plug-in.
Results when the ScanLink Plug-in has
requested a jam.
Results when the controller is expecting piece
information from the host and does not receive it
within the expected time window. This is
frequently caused by pushing the system to its
limits or by something causing the system to get
out of sync.
Results whenever a reject other than Jamsorts
occurs. Thus every reject other than Jamsorts is
counted as a jam under this category. The Job
Parameter "Stop Machines for Rejects" must be
set to something other than "No" for rejects to
jam the machine. Otherwise, rejects will be
directed to the reject bin and processing will
The Multifeed Sensor indicates that two pieces
are being fed together.
The MFD Skew Angle Exceeded Sensor is
Falcon+ Operator Manual
OPEX Corporation