4.3.16. ID Assist
The ID Assist tracking system provides an additional method for identifying
and/or taking action on items to be scanned. ID Assist must first be enabled in
the job in order to use this feature. Note that ID Assist will NOT work in Stack
Feed mode.
ID Assist uses three through-beam sensors: ID Assist #1 and ID Assist Verify
are used together to initially enable the ID Assist feature. ID Assist #2 is used
for tracking of items that have been dropped. Using ID Assist
To trigger ID Assist, swipe the item left to right in front of the ID Assist verify
and ID Assist #1 sensors (see Figure 4-59) and release. The ID Assist verify
sensor puts the ID Assist feature in an "alert" state waiting to see if the item will
be moved to the right, blocking ID Assist #1. If the item is not swiped left to
right, ID Assist will not be engaged.
ID Assist #2
ID Assist indicator LED
Figure 4-59: ID Assist Sensors
Falcon+ Operator Manual
OPEX Corporation
ID Assist #1
ID Assist verify