Bostitch GF9033-E Instrucciones De Seguridad Y Empleo página 5

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© Bostitch
© Bostitch
GB Not to be reproduced without permission. Unauthorised copies of this document do not constitute CE
GB Not to be reproduced without permission. Unauthorised copies of this document do not constitute CE
compliance for the products.
compliance for the products.
Do not dispose of electric tools together with household
waste material!
FR Reproduction interdite sans permission préalable. Les copies non autorisées de ce document ne
FR Reproduction interdite sans permission préalable. Les copies non autorisées de ce document ne
signifient en rien que les produits soient conformes aux normes CE.
signifient en rien que les produits soient conformes aux normes CE.
In observance of European Directives
2002/96/EC & 2006//66/EC on waste
electrical and electronic equipment/
DE Vervielfältigung nicht ohne Genehmigung gestattet. Unzulässig erstellte Kopien dieses Dokuments
DE Vervielfältigung nicht ohne Genehmigung gestattet. Unzulässig erstellte Kopien dieses Dokuments
batteries and their national
erfüllen nicht die CE-Richtlinien für Produkte.
erfüllen nicht die CE-Richtlinien für Produkte.
implementations, electric tools/batteries that have
reached the end of their life must be collected
NL Mag niet worden vermenigvuldigd zonder toestemming. Onrechtmatige kopieën van dit document
NL Mag niet worden vermenigvuldigd zonder toestemming. Onrechtmatige kopieën van dit document
separately and returned to an approved recycling
willen niet zeggen dat de producten voldoen aan de CE-vereisten.
willen niet zeggen dat de producten voldoen aan de CE-vereisten.
DK Må ikke gengives uden tilladelse. Uautoriserede kopier af dette dokument udgør ikke CE overholdelse
DK Må ikke gengives uden tilladelse. Uautoriserede kopier af dette dokument udgør ikke CE overholdelse
l R espect your Bostitch tool as a tool. It is not a toy.
for produkterne.
for produkterne.
No Horseplay.
l T his tool is intended to be used for fastening wood to
FI Ei saa jäljentää ilman lupaa. Tämän asiakirjan ilman valtuutusta tehdyt kopiot eivät muodosta tuotteille
FI Ei saa jäljentää ilman lupaa. Tämän asiakirjan ilman valtuutusta tehdyt kopiot eivät muodosta tuotteille
wood in pallet/crate and construction applications.
DO NOT USE for fastening harder materials which
could cause buckling of the fasteners and damage
GR Απαγορεύεται η αναπαραγωγή χωρίς προηγούμενη άδεια. Τα μη εξουσιοδοτημένα
GR Απαγορεύεται η αναπαραγωγή χωρίς προηγούμενη άδεια. Τα μη εξουσιοδοτημένα
to the tool. If you are unsure of the suitability of this
αντίγραφα του παρόντος εγγράφου δεν αποτελούν συμμόρφωση CE για τα προϊόντα.
αντίγραφα του παρόντος εγγράφου δεν αποτελούν συμμόρφωση CE για τα προϊόντα.
tool for certain applications, please contact your
local sales office.
IT Vietata la riproduzione senza permesso. Le copie non autorizzate di questo documento non
IT Vietata la riproduzione senza permesso. Le copie non autorizzate di questo documento non
garantiscono la conformità CE per i relativi prodotti.
garantiscono la conformità CE per i relativi prodotti.
l D o not drive a nail on another nail.
NO Skal ikke reproduseres uten tillatelse. Ikke godkjente kopier av dette dokumentet oppfyller ikke
NO Skal ikke reproduseres uten tillatelse. Ikke godkjente kopier av dette dokumentet oppfyller ikke
l D o not drive a nail on metal parts.
kravene for CE-merking for produktet.
kravene for CE-merking for produktet.
l N ever use the tool in a manner that could cause a
fastener to be directed towards the user or others
PT Reprodução proibida sem autorização prévia. As cópias não autorizadas deste documento não estão
PT Reprodução proibida sem autorização prévia. As cópias não autorizadas deste documento não estão
in the work area.
em conformidade com a CE para os produtos.
em conformidade com a CE para os produtos.
l Do not use the tool as a hammer.
ES Prohibida la reproducción sin permiso. Las copias no autorizadas de este documento no suponen la
ES Prohibida la reproducción sin permiso. Las copias no autorizadas de este documento no suponen la
conformidad con las normas CE de los productos.
conformidad con las normas CE de los productos.
l A lways carry the tool by the handle. Never carry the
tool with the trigger pulled.
SE Prohibida la reproducción sin permiso. Las copias no autorizadas de este documento no suponen la
SE Prohibida la reproducción sin permiso. Las copias no autorizadas de este documento no suponen la
l D o not alter or modify this tool from the original
conformidad con las normas CE de los productos.
conformidad con las normas CE de los productos.
design or function without the written approval of
PL Niniejszy dokument nie może być kopiowany bez pozwolenia. Nieautoryzowane kopie niniejszego
PL Niniejszy dokument nie może być kopiowany bez pozwolenia. Nieautoryzowane kopie niniejszego
dokumentu nie stanowią deklaracji zgodności CE prezentowanych produktów.
dokumentu nie stanowią deklaracji zgodności CE prezentowanych produktów.
l A lways be aware that misuse and improper
handling of this tool can cause injury to yourself
CZ Niniejszy dokument nie może być kopiowany bez pozwolenia. Nieautoryzowane kopie niniejszego
CZ Niniejszy dokument nie może być kopiowany bez pozwolenia. Nieautoryzowane kopie niniejszego
and others.
dokumentu nie stanowią deklaracji zgodności CE prezentowanych produktów.
dokumentu nie stanowią deklaracji zgodności CE prezentowanych produktów.
l N ever clamp or tape the trigger or safety trip in an
SK Rozmnožovanie bez povolenia je zakázané. Neoprávnené kópie tohto dokumentu nie sú v súlade s CE
SK Rozmnožovanie bez povolenia je zakázané. Neoprávnené kópie tohto dokumentu nie sú v súlade s CE
actuated position.
pre dané výrobky.
pre dané výrobky.
l N ever leave a tool unattended with a fuel cell or
battery in place.
HU A dokumentum engedély nélkül nem sokszorosítható. Az engedély nélkül sokszorosított dokumentum
HU A dokumentum engedély nélkül nem sokszorosítható. Az engedély nélkül sokszorosított dokumentum
nem jelenti a termék CE-megfelelőségét.
nem jelenti a termék CE-megfelelőségét.
l D o not operate this tool if it does not contain a
RO Reproducerea neautorizată este interzisă. Copiile neautorizate ale acestui document nu reprezintă
RO Reproducerea neautorizată este interzisă. Copiile neautorizate ale acestui document nu reprezintă
conformitatea CE pentru produse.
conformitatea CE pentru produse.
l D o not continue to use a tool that does not
function properly. Notify your nearest BOSTITCH
representative if your tool experiences functional
l D uring operation, hold the tool in such a way that
no injuries can be caused to the head or to the body
should the tool recoil increase due to variations in
the gas supply or hard areas within the work piece.
l D o not work close to corners or at the edge of the
work piece. The fastener could slip out of the work
piece, possibly causing injury.
l W hen transporting the tool, remove the fuel cell and
l C heck that the safety trip (if present) and the trigger
both function correctly before use.
l D o not dismantle or block any part of the tool,
particularly the safety trip.
l N ever perform "emergency repairs" without the
proper equipment.
l A void weakening the tool by punching or engraving.
l T his power tool is powered by an internal
combustion device. This power tool should only be
used with dispensers of combustible gas which are
listed in these handling instructions.
l N ever let the tool be used by children or people
who do not know enough to be able to handle it
l K eep the right parts in the right places. Do not
remove any of the covers or screws. Keep them in
place as they have their functions. Moreover, never
make modifications to the tool or use it after making
any modifications.
l C heck the tool before use. Before using the tool,
always check that no parts are broken, that all
screws are completely tight, and that no parts are
missing or rusty.
l E xcessive work could cause accidents. Do not
make tools and accessories work beyond their
abilities. Excessive work not only damages the
power tool but also is dangerous in itself.
l S top operation immediately if you notice
abnormalities or if the power tool does not work
properly; have the power tool inspected and
l T ake good care of the tool to ensure its long life.
Always take good care of the power tool and keep
it clean.


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