Monitoring Oxygen Concentration
The device monitors the oxygen concentration in ambient air. The alarm set points can be configured
to activate on two different conditions:
Enriched - oxygen concentration > 20.8 vol % or
Deficient - oxygen concentration < 19.5 vol %.
If an alarm is triggered while using the device, leave the area immediately.
Remaining in the area under such circumstances can cause serious personal injury or death.
When the alarm set point is reached for either of the above conditions:
the alarm message displays and flashes in combination with the corresponding gas concentration
backlight turns on
alarm sounds (if active)
alarm LEDs flash (if active)
vibrating alarm triggers (if active)
The LOW alarm (oxygen deficient) is latching and will not automatically reset when the O
tion rises above the LOW set point. To reset the alarm press the button. If the alarm is latching, the
button silences the alarm for five seconds. Alarms can be made latching or unlatching via MSA Link
False oxygen alarms can occur due to changes in barometric pressure (altitude), humidity or extreme
changes in ambient temperature.
It is recommended that an oxygen calibration be performed at the temperature and pressure of use.
Be sure that the device is in known fresh air before performing a calibration.
Monitoring Combustible Gases
The device can be equipped with a catalytic combustible sensor that detects a variety of combustible
gases up to 100 % LEL and displays the reading as either % LEL or % CH
also contain an IR combustible sensor. The IR sensor displays the reading in % Vol or %LEL.
If an alarm is triggered while using the device, leave the area immediately.
Remaining in the area under such circumstances can cause serious personal injury or death.
The catalytic combustible, 25 % Vol Butane IR, and 100% LEL Propane IR sensors have two alarm
HIGH Alarm
LOW Alarm
If the gas concentration reaches or exceeds the alarm set point, the device:
alarm message displays and flashes in combination with the corresponding gas concentration:
backlight turns on
alarm sounds (if active)
alarm LEDs flash (if active)
The 100 % Vol IR sensors have no alarm setpoints.
. The ALTAIR 5X IR can