Practical Sewing - Overlock
Wrapped overlocking with three threads
For wrapped overlocking with the right needle (3 to 5.5 mm in
1. Remove the left needle.
2. Thread the upper and lower loopers in the same manner as the
standard sewing (2-needle, 4-thread).
For wrapped overlocking with the left needle (5 to 7.5 mm in
1. Remove the right needle.
2. Thread the upper and lower loopers in the same manner as the
standard sewing (2-needle, 4-thread).
2-/3-thread changeover attachment
Use the 2-/3-thread changeover attachment when it is desired to carry
out 2-needle overlocking, cover stitch (flatlock) or 2-thread hemming.
1. Turn off the power switch.
2. Press the 2-/3-thread changeover attachment mounted on the upper
looper to the left.
3. Check that the projection of the 2-/3-thread changeover attachment
is inserted into the hole in the top end of the looper.
In the aforementioned state, the upper looper thread is not fed. Howev-
er, the lower looper thread is fed to form 2-thread stitches.