Keypad (HMIR) and Basic Programming
Menu (to select the
parameter groups) -
only one parameter
group is shown at
a time
Parameter groups available in the field Menu:
PARAM: all parameters.
READ: reading parameters only.
MODIF: parameters modified in relation to the default only.
BASIC: parameters for basic application.
MOTOR: parameters related to the control of the motor.
I/O: parameters related to digital and analog inputs and outputs.
NET: parameters related to the communication networks.
HMIR: parameters to configure the HMIR.
SPLC: parameters related to the SoftPLC.
STARTUP: parameters for oriented Start-up.
Status of the inverter:
LOC: command source or local references.
REM: command source or remote references.
: direction of motor rotation by means of arrows.
CONF: configuration error.
SUB: undervoltage.
RUN: execution.
24 | MW500
Inverter status
Main display
Figure 4.2: Display fields
Secondary indication
Measurement unit
(it refers to the value
of the main indication)
Bar graph