In case of non-exempt transport (i.e. transport of n. 860 litres of diesel with n° 2 CTK 450 + further n. 6 cans of 25 l of diesel fuel, for a total
of 1010 litres, or transport of 920 litres of diesel with n° 1 Hippotank + further n. 5 cans of 25 l of diesel fuel, for a total of 1020 litres) all the
equipment provided for in chap. 8.1.5 ADR is compulsory (see also § 10.3).
Even in the case of ADR partial exemption, we still recommend that the vehicle has a suitable drain cover, a sufficient quantity of inert
material (e.g. sand) to contain and absorb any losses, a suitable tool for collecting (e.g. spark proof shovel or spade), a containment device
(approved collection drum for packing group III, or an emergency package approved).
In the case of not exempt transport, all the facilities and equipment required in chap. 8.1.5 ADR is compulsory (see also § 10.3).
As already addressed in Chapter 3.2.2, when the quantity of dangerous goods in a vehicle is altogether under certain limits, ADR provides
for certain exemptions from the requirements normally applicable
– The driver may not have ADR licence.
– Orange panels of danger should not be exposed in front of and behind the vehicle.
– It is possible the presence on Board of passengers as well as crew members, always admitted 5.
– ADR safety instructions are not mandatory.
– Personal and vehicle protective equipment is not mandatory (anyway recommended).
– The company is not obligated to appoint the Consultant authorised for transport security (D.lgs. 35/2010).
The following obligations remain in any case:
– Packaging (or GIR/IBC) must be approved.
– You must have at least n° 1 ABC powder fire extinguisher min. 2 kg, also suitable for extinguishing the engine fire, easily accessible,
sealed and subject to six-monthly control as per tag.
– Any portable lighting device shall comply with spark-proof requirements. NB. In the case of gasoline must be ATEX.
– ADR transport document is mandatory, it should be duly completed, including the summary documentation of the calculation of the
quantity of dangerous goods actually delivered, to prove that the maximum allowable quantities for exemption are not being exceeded
(see chap. 5).
– It is necessary to respect the max. degree of packaging fill (see chap. 12.2).
– It should be checked that the GIR/IBC is not damaged, in particular as regards closures and seals.
– Parcels should be kept clean from any residue of dangerous goods outside.
– The parcel must be guaranteed adequate stability against any possible shock or movement on the floor of the vehicle, ensuring the
visibility of the danger labels.
– Danger labels must be kept in good conditions and, if necessary, replaced.
– After any spillage of dangerous goods on the load platform, it must be thoroughly cleaned.
– The personnel operating for delivery, transport, loading and unloading should be adequately trained; the training must be in relation to
the responsibilities of employees, and relate in particular to the specific dangers of the substances carried in case of accidents during
transport or during loading and unloading.
Training must be documented and updated as often changes in the rules occur (ADR or the Highway Code)
In any case the following prohibitions remain valid:
– Smoking (on the vehicle and its vicinity)
– Tampering with packages transported
– Using open flame for lighting (e.g. lighters)
– Transporting packages (GIR/IBC) in the presence of loss of content, or not properly fixed on the loading platform
– Passing within tunnels at whose entrance there is a sign prohibiting the transit of dangerous goods.
– Using GIR/IBC over the deadlines foreseen by commissioning report or periodic inspection reports.
4 In the event that there are more dangerous goods belonging to ADR classes and different packing groups for calculating the maximum quantity of dangerous goods
transported under partial exemption refer to chap. 1.1.3 ADR.
5 Please note that, however, according to existing national regulations, there is a ban on carrying aboard the truck anyone who do not have a direct and demonstrable
function connected to loading/unloading/Transport
6 This means that the possession of the ADR licence by the driver may not be sufficient for compliance with the prescription, in case ADR changes have been issued
after the release. In such a case, the firm is required to ensure the adequate driver training, documenting it in the employee's personal file.
MAN_CTK-HT_Rev.4 del 12.2023
. This scheme is called of partial exemption.
(CHAP. 3.2.2.)