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DNU-1541 DNU-1541S DNU-1541H INSTRUCTION MANUAL BETRIEBSANLEITUNG MANUEL D'UTILISATION MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES MANUALE D'ISTRUZIONI il ffl t.5i HJ) =J! NOTE: Carefully read and understand all safety instructions before beginning use of this machine. Retain this Instruction Manual for future reference. HINWEIS : Lesen Sle die Sicherheitsanweisungen aufmerksam durch, um sich mil Ihnen vertraut zu machen, bevor Sie dlese Maschine In Belrieb nehmen.
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17. The machine is only allowed to be used for the purpose intended. Other used are not allowed. 18. Remodel or modify the machine in accordance with the safely rules/standards while laking all the effective safety measures. JUKI assumes no responsibility for damage caused by remodeling or modification of the machine.
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9. Eingriffe an stromfiihrenden Tei len und Vorrichtungen bel eln• oder ausgeschalle!er Maschine slnd verboten. 1 0. Reparatur-, Umbau- und Elnstellarbeilen durfen n ur von en!sprechend ausgeblldeten Technikern oder spezlell geschultem Personal durchgefuhrt werden. Fiir Reparaluren durten nur von JUKI vorgeschriebene Ersalztelle verwendet werden .
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18. Reconditionner au modifier la machine en observant les regles/normes de securite et en prenant toutes les mesures de securite necessaires. La responsabilite de JUKI ne saurail etre engagee pour des dommages causes par le reconditionnement ou la modification de la machine.
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1 0. Los trabajos de reparo, remodelacl6n y ajuste se deben hacer solamente por tecnlcos debidamente entrenados o por personal especializado. Para los reparos, se pueden utilizar solamente las plazas de repueslo deslgnadas por JUKI. 1 1 . Los trabajos de mantenlmlento e lnspeccl6n generates se deben l levar a cabo por personal debidamente entrenado.
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10. lavori di riparazione, rimodellamento e regolazione devono essere falti solo da tecnici appropriatamente addestrali o personale esperto. Solo part! di ricambio designate da JUKI possono esser,� usate per rlparazionl. 1 1 . Lavorl general! di manutenzione ed lspezione devono essere fattl da personale appropriatamente addestrato.
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FOR SAFE OPERATION Keep your hands away from needle when you turn ON the power switch or while the machine is in operation. Do not put your fingers into the thread take-up cover while the machine Is operating. 3. Turn OFF the power switch when lilting the machine head, or removing the belt cover or the V belts.
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POUR LA SECURITE D'UTILISATION Ne pas approcher les mains de l'aiguille lorsqu'on place l'lnterrupteur d'alimentation sur marche ou pendant le fonctlonnement de la machine. � Ne pas mettre !es doigts derriere le couvercle du releveur de fil pendant le fonctlonnement de la machine. Avant de basculer la tete de la machine en arrlere ou de retirer le couvre-courrole ou une courroie lrapezo'idale, placer l'interrupteur d'alimentation sur arret.
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PER UNJJTILIZZO SICURO Tenere le mani lontano dall'ago quando sl accende l'interruttore dell'alimentazlone o la macchlna e In funzlone. Non mettere mai le dita sotto ii carter tlrafllo a macchlna In funzione. Spegnere l'lnterrutlore dell'allmentazione prlma di lnclinare la tes!a della macchlna o di rlmuovere ii coprlclnghla e le clnghie a V.
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CONTENTS BEFORE OPERATION ............................. 1 SPECIFICATIONS ............................3 1. INSTALLATION ............................5 2. INSTALLING THE WASTE OIL CONTAINER ................... 7 3 . ADJUSTING THE BELT TENSION ......................8 4. ATTACHING THE BELT COVER ....................... 9 5. LUBRICATION ............................11 6. ATTACHING THE NEEDLE ........................14 7.
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SOMMAIRE AVANT L'UTILISATION ............................ 1 CARACTERISTIQUES ............................. 3 1. INSTALLATION ............................5 2. INSTALLATION DU FLACON DE RECUPERATION D'HUILE USEE ............7 3. REG LAGE DE LA TENSION DE COURROIE ................... 8 4. POSE DU COUVRE-COURROIE ......................10 5. LU B RI FICATION ........, ....................11 6.
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For a test run, remove the bobbin and the needle thread . • For the first month, decrease the sewing speed and run DNU-1541 and •1541S al a speed of 2,000 rpm or less, and DNU-1541H al a speed of 1,600 rpm or less.
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Prima di effettuare un'operazlone di prova rimuovere la boblna ed ii filo dell'ago . • Pendant le premier mols diminuer la vitesse de couture et ne pas depasser 2.000 pts/mn pour les DNU-1541 et-1541S el 1.600 pts/mn pour la DNU·1541H.
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Hand!ifter : 9 mm Nahfu3hub Knieliffer: 16 mm Standardm6Big Sicherheitsvorr!ch1ung elngebaut fur Greif er JUKI New Defrix 011 No, 2 SchmlerOI Der arbeitsplatzbe2ogene Geriiuschpegel bei Der arheltsplatzbezogene Gerauschpegel bel einer Nahgeschwindigkeit von einer Nahgeschwlndigkei t von liirm n a 1.550 min-' : LPA as; 84 dB (A) n = 2.040 min-' : LPA as;...
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Aceite lubricante Aceite lubricante : JUKI Nev, Defrix No. 2 N1vel de ruido r alacionado cone! puesto de Nlve! de ruldo ralaclonado con el puesto de trabajo a velocidad de cos1ura trabajo a velc- c ldad de costura Ruldo n;:;;...
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1. INSTALLATION /INSTALLATION/ INSTALLATION/ INSTALACION / ��J]fJl W$:� INSTALLAZIONE / 1) Atlaching tlie hinge seats and the support rubbers of the machine head Fix the hinge seats and the support rubbers supplied with the machine on ihe table using nails @. 1) Anbringen der Scharniersitze und Gummidampfer des Maschinenkopfes Die milder Maschine gelieferten Scharniersitze...
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3) Adjust knee pad joint knee lifter vertical shalt installing arm @ and knee pad lever $ to the direction of knee lifter lever shaft and assemble these components. 0. 0 4) Adjust the direction of the pad with setscrews 3) Kniepolsterverbindung Knielifter-Vertlkalschaft...
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3. ADJUSTING THE BELT TENSION EINSTELLEN DER RIEMENSPANNUNG REGLAGE DE LA TENSION DE COURROIE MODO DE AJUSTAR LA TENSION DE LA CORREA REGOLAZIONE DELLA TENSIONE DELLA CINGHIA 'liB!t :tJ rt..liro WARNING: To avoid possible personal Injury due to abrupt start of the machine, tum off the power to the rnachfne and check to be sure that the motor has totally stopped rotating in prior, WARNUNG: Um mOgliche Verletzuogen durch plOtzliches Anlaufen der Maschino zu verhOten, schalten S!e die Stromversorgung...
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4. ATTACHING THE BELT COVER/ ANBRINGEN DER RIEMENABDECKUNG / POSE OU COUVRE·COURROIE / MODO DE COLOCAR LA CUBIERTA DE LA CORREA/ I!i:\'w9l ' �a{J$:� FISSAGGIO DEL COPRICINGHIA / WARNING: To protect against possible personal Injury due to abrupt start of the machine, be sure to start the following work after turning the power off and ascerta!nlng that the motor Is at rest.
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1 ) Den Riemenabdeckungsbolzen i n die Gewindebohrung im Arm einschrauben. 2) Die Rlemenabdeckung (rechts) mit den Schrauben @ und (j) am Arm befestigen. 3) Die Riemenabdeckung (links) in die Kerbe und (i) der Riemenabdeckung (rechts) einpassen. 0, 0 4) Die Riemenabdeckung (links) mil den Schrauben befestigen.
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5. LUBRICATION/ SCHMIERUNG / LUBRIFICATION / J.mif!l LUBRICACION / LUBRIFICAZIONE / WARNING: To protect against possible personal injury due to abrupt start of the machine, be sure to start the following work after turning the power off and ascertaining that the m otor is at rest. WARNUNG: Um durch plOtzliches Anlaufen der N8hmaschine verursachte Verletzungen zu vermeiden, fuhren Sie die folgende Arbelt erst aus, nachdem Sle den Netzschalter ausgeschaltet und sich ver g ewissert haben, daB der Motor vollkommen stillsteht.
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For other parts 1) Apply an adequate amount of oil once a day to the points marked with the arrow marks. 2) Before you operate your machine for the first time. or after an extended period of disuse, apply an adequate amount of oil to the points marked with !he arrow marks and to each felt ar, d oil wick after remov,ng top cover �...
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!a figura de !a izquierda. Procedura di lubrlflcazione per la sezione di crochet 1 ) Versare l'Olio JUKI New Defrix No, 2 nel serbatoio dell'olio da! foro di lubrificazione tinche la linea rossa @ sia raggiunta.
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6. ATTACHING THE NEEDLE / ANBRINGEN DER NADEL / POSE DE L'AIGUILLE / fJlttWJ��:fJ;: i MODO DE COLOCA R LA AGUJA / POSIZIONAMENTO AGO / WARNING : To protect against possible personal injury due to abrupt start of the machine, be sure to start the following work after turning the power off and ascertaining that the motor is at rest WARNUNG : Um durch p!Otzliches Anlaufen der Niihmaschine verursachte Verlettungen zu vermelden, ffihren Sie die folgende ArbeH...
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7. THREADING THE BOBBIN THREAD/ EINFADELN DES SPULENFADENS / ENFILAGE DU FIL DE CANETTE / MODO DE ENHEBRAR EL HILO DE BOBINA/ INFILATURA DEL FILO DELLA BOBINA/ ��1¥.)��:jy;;I; 1) Set the bobbin Into the bobbin case, pass the thread through thread slit pass it under tension spring$.
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7H!i llfl ilJ I[, tiL 1,, J 1) ll'HlHl.1:ttM, ift llltiii\llc!i'i1;1ilJ ttl:11\ 0, A�JHif, 2i imlfi ft lli'. ,fl g3 c1y , 10. 1,1Jx O(J � tit , 3) fl':JfH:\:#ijlf @jrl]j'ljj)Ll\'J t 1) Relirer la boite canette en soulevant le bouton superieur 1) Extraiga el portabobina a la vez que acciona hacia arriba la perilla superior 2) Pour poser la bolte...
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10. WINDING A BOBBIN/ BEWICKELN EINER SPULE / BOBINAGE D'UNE CANETTE / MODO DE BOBINAR UNA BOBINA/ /i\;�1¥.lm�:tni AVVOLGIMENTO DELLA BOBINA/ 1) Pass the thread in the order of through Then, wind it several turns round the bobbin. 2) Tm bobbin winder lever O. 3) Loosen setscrew and adjust the position of the adjusting plate to wind a bobbin about 80 % of its capacity,...
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AWERTIMENTO: Per evitare posslbili feriment! causati dall'awio improvvlsodella macchlna per cucire, prima di effettuare le seguenti operazioni spegnere l'interruttore detl'alimentazione ed assicurarsi che ii motore abbia completamente cessato di ruotare. DNU-1541 DNU-1541H DNU•1541S 1. Attach arm thread guide Oto the top cover with setscrew€).
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When needle thread is apt to be ofl from thread tension disk during sewing, pass needle thread through arm thread guide in the order of through Wenn der Nadelfaden dazu neigt, sich wilhrend des Nahens von der Fadenspannungsscheibe zu losen, fi.lhren Sie den Nadalfaden in der Reihenfolge durch die Armfadenfuhrung...
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13. THREAD TENSION/ FADENSPANNUNG / TENSION DES FILS/ TENSION DEL HILO/ TENSIONE DEL FILO/ �5! E 1) Adjusting the needle thread tension Turning thread tension nut clockwise Q will increase the needle thread tension, or counterclockwise will decrease it 1) Einstellen der Nadelfadenspannung Die Fadenspannungsmutter zum Erhohen der Fadenspannung im Uhrzeigersinn Q, oder zum Veningern...
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14. THREAD TAKE-UP SPRING/ FADENANZUGSFEDER / RE SSORT DE RELEVAGE DU FIL/ MUELLE DEL TIRAHILO / #tfiJB t� MOLLA TIRAFILO / (1) When you wantto change the stroke of the spring: 1) Loosen screw f) in the stopper, and move stopper@ to the right or left to change the stroke of thread take-up spring 2) Move the stopper to the right to increase the stroke of...
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15. HAND LIFTER/ HANDLIFTER / RELEVEUR MANUEL/ �*ffi�JJt lt ELEVADOR DE MANO/ ALZAPIEDINO MANUALE / 1) When you want to keep the presser foot in the lifted position, lift hand lifter in the direction of the arrow. This makes !he presser foot rise 9 mm and slay al that position.
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1541,DNU-1541 H, loosen two setscrews aligned with the center of needle f). Then tighten two setscrews in the hook. For the DNU-1541 S, loosen two setscrews in the hook driving shaft gear and turn the handwheel to adjust. Then tighten two setscrews 4) Loosen two setscrews Gin the hook and move the hook to the right or le/1 until a clearance of 0.02 to 0.05 mm is...
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2,1 mm ONU-1541 ONU-154 1 S : A = 2.0mm DNU-1541 H : A = 1 .3mm 1 ) Regler !e cadran des points sur O [zeroj. 2) T ourner le volant et desserrer la vis du support de barre a aiguille pour que la distance entre le haut du chas de...
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18. ADJUSTING THE OPENER/ EINSTELLEN DES SPREIZERS REGLAGE DE L'OUVREUR / MODO DE AJUSTAR EL ABRIDOR □ REGOLAZIONE DELL' APRITORE / i§a<Ji)W]� WARNING: To protect against possible persona1 injury due to abrupt start of 1he machine, be sure to start the following work after 1urning the power off and ascertaining that the motor is at rest.
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Vues depuls A Visto desde A VistodaA /AA!i 0,8mm Desserrer les deux paifes de vis de fixation de la plaquette de butee, deplacer !'axe du dispositif de d'ouverture vers la droi!e ou la gauche et regler le jeu entre l'extremtte superieure du disposilif d'ouverture et le crochet interieur 0,8 mm.
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Le mouvement altemalif vertical du pied presseur et celui du pied trotteur sont generalement egaux. Pour augmenter fa distance de mouvement altematlf verUcal, deplacer le bras d'enlrainement superieur le haul Overs l'inlerieur du secteur de reglage, Pour la diminuer, deplacer le bras d'entralnement sup0rieur vers le bas.
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20. SEWING SPEED TABLE/ NAHGESCHWINDIGKEITSTABELLE / TABLEAU DES VITESSES DE COUTURE The maximum sewing speed has been specified in accordance with sewing conditions as shown in the table below. Set the maximum sewing speed appropriately in accordance with the sewing conditions given taking care not to exceed the corresponding specified value.
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Non rninore di 4 mm e mlnore di 6,5 mm 1.600 pnt/min 1.600 pntimin +�R�M�f�A-ffRill��T�M�. ·••+��-#-�AAff •. �-M�mm. 'DNU-1541 DNU~1541S tit� 6 mm !.ii� 6 mm t(J: 9 mm t( 7' :it 'if J: 7' Ji ~3 mm �'.lT 2,500 rpm 2,000 rpm �'.IT...
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Frequency of motor pulley of sewing machine of poles of handwheel speed of motor V belt 2840 rpm 50 Hz ,p 80 DNU-1541 60 Hz 3400 rpm ,p 65 rp 93.3mm 2500 rpm 1430 rpm ,p 160 DNU-15418 50 Hz...
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22. RESETTING THE SAFETY CLUTCH RUCKSTELLEN DER SICHERHEITSKUPPLUNG REARMEMENT DE L'EMBRA Y AGE DE SE CU RITE MODO DE REPOSICIONAR EL EMBRAGUE DE SEGURIDAD RIPRISTINO DELLA FRIZIONE DI SICUREZZA 'ti:�� 1:ii: ff.a{]� WARNING: To protect against possible personai injury due to abrupt start of the machine, be sure to starl the following work after turning the power off and ascertaining that the motor is at rest.
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La frizione di sicurezza funziona quando un carico eccessivo applicato al crochet o agli allri componenti durante la cucitura. Allora, ii crochet non girera mai anche se ii volantino viene fatto girare. Quando la frizione di sicurezza ha lunzionato, rimuovere la causa e ripristinare la frizione di sicurezza come mostrato ne!la seguente procedura. 1) Premendo ii pulsante pos!o sulla superficie superiore del !alto della macchina, far girare fortemente ii volantino nel senso Inverso.
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m!il!;J � '/t M!I= 23. PIEZAS OPCIONALES / PARTI OPTIONAL/ Nombre de pieza opcional No. de pieza Descripci6n Canlidad Transporte inverso autom8.tico 40034406 Conjunto de! dispositivo de transporte automfttico inverse 40025688 AK-134C {con interrupter de rodilla) Elevador automatico 40025689 AK-134D (sin interrupter de rodilla) 40034406 Juego del dispositlvo de transports automatico inverse Transporte inverse automcltico...
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24. TROUBLES IN SEWING AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES Troubles Causes Corrective measures 1, Thread breakage (\) Thread path, needle point, hook blade o Remove the sharp edges or burrs on the (Thread frays or is worn point or bobbin case resting groove on blade point of hook using a fine emery out.) the throat plate has sharp edges or burrs.
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24. NAHSTORUNGEN UNO ABHILFEMASSNAHMEN Storung Abhilfemal3nahmen Ursachen L Fadenril3 G)Fadenbahn, Nadelspitze, o Die scharfen Kanten oder Grate auf der (Faden faserl aus Hakenmesserspitze oder die Hakenmesserspitze mit feinem oder ist abgewetzt.) Spulenkapselrille au! der Stichplatte haben Schmirgelpapier entfernen. scharfe Kanten oder Grate. Die Spulenkapselrille auf der Stichplatte glanzschleifen.
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24. PROBLEMES DE COUTURE ET REMEDES Problemes Causes Remades 1 . Cassure du fil ,J) Presence d'aretes vives ou d'asperites sur Eliminer arStes vives ou les asp8rit6s sur (Fil effiloche ou use) le trajet du Iii, la pointe de l'aiguille, la pointe la pointe de la lame du crochet avec de la de la lame de crochet ou la gorge de la toile emeri...
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24, PROBLEMAS EN EL COSIOO Y MEDIOAS CORRECTIVAS Problemass Causas Medldas correctivas Se rompe el hilo La trayectoria del hilo, la punta de la aguja, o Elimine los bordes cortantes o las rebabas la punta de la hoja del gancho o la ranura (El hilo es debil 0 en la punta de la hoja del gancho usando esta desgastado)
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24. INCONVENIENTI IN CUCITURA E RIMED! lnconvenien!i Cause Rlmedi 1. Rottura de! filo La scanalatura del mo, la punta dell'ago, ii o Rimuovere i bordi taglienti o le sbavature (II lilo si sfilaccia o bordo de! crochet o la scanalatura di sulla punta de! crochet usando una lela si consuma) alloggiamento della capsula sulla placca...
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llll� JJJ( [§ 1zt.E'll :1r1t 1. tl!Wt c tJH� lllt iJJ llJi. l CD •:i'lt ti�, l!ttt!l�, i'ti& Aj 't1 /j,'f fl!'lllliY!lUT Jill / j 'f tl1� (!{J fJl !It 11,J Ji! ii, _t � fjj !I fl 14 JJ tHt la. H'l 't1 /j,'f lti llil 5E ii, , ���_tf!dKJJ, tJ, l JK f1 i:B!lL * H!i r...
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Please do not hesilate to contact o-ur dlstributors or agents !n your area for fur1her informatlon 'Nhen necessary. Blue wenden Sie slch an unsere Handler oder Verlrcter in fhrer Nilhe, wenn Sie weitere lnformationen benOtige:-t Poor plus d'inforrnation, n'hesi1ez pas a cons,Jlier nos dislributeurs ou agents dans volre r0g10n. Sirvaso ponerse en contaclo con nues!ros distribuidores o agonies en su area slem_ore que neceslte a!gvna informaci6n mas delallada.