Fitness category
hysical fitness has become a widely shared ob-
jective. Many of us would like to restore, improve
or maintain a good physical condition. Some may
want to do even more and improve their body
tone and the harmony of their figure, with well
sculpted and, for some people, spectacularly de-
veloped muscles.
he highly diversified, but very specific Fitness ca-
tegory programmes simulate, quantitatively and
with precision, the muscle work required for dif-
ferent kinds of physical exercises. For both begin-
ners and professionals and regardless of the
objectives aimed at, these programmes have be-
neficial effects and allow fast and very significant
muscular progress.
or both beginners and competitive athletes, the
programmes of the Fitness category of the Com-
pex are the ideal complement of voluntary indoor
training. They ensure results faster and with less
The programmes of the Fitness category are intended to make healthy muscles work.
They are not suitable for muscles that are atrophied or affected by any kind of
pathological process.