To act on local cellulite concentrations
ven slim people with a firm body can
have local cellulite accumulations, i.e.
areas of skin characterized by infiltration
of the tissues and an "orange peel" appea-
rance. Many treatments are available to
tackle this problem but, except for surgi-
cal intervention, none of them has proved
to be really satisfactory in terms of effi-
cacy. On the other hand, a combination of
local cutaneous treatments (ultrasound,
drainage, mesotherapy, suction, compres-
sion rollers, etc.) seems to give the best
t is in this context that the
programme is of interest. Used alone, it
cannot eliminate cellulite even though it is
clearly more effective than the old electro-
lipolysis. On the other hand, the electric
stress applied to the fat deposits and the
cutaneous vasodilatation reinforce the ac-
tions of other local treatments used simul-
Cycle duration: 5 weeks, 3 x/week
Progression in the levels Step to the next level
every week
Programmes: Adipostress 34I