Understanding Impedance Values
Impedance values are important indicators when delivering test stimulation or stimulating with the Stimulator.
The impedance values provided by the CP are icons representing the quality of the circuit being used to deliver
Impedance can be tested when a
A single impedance icon corresponding to the connection for foramen needle stimulation or PNE Lead.
4 impedance icons, each corresponding to the connection for one of the electrodes on the tined lead.
The impedance icon can have one of 4 states:
Green (Good)
The impedance level indicates a good connection and is preferred for stimulation.
Yellow (OK)
The impedance level indicates an acceptable connection and is allowed for stimulation.
Red – Open (Bad)
The impedance level indicates an open circuit and stimulation is not possible.
Red – Short (Bad)
The impedance level indicates a short circuit and stimulation is not possible.
Note: See the manual sections on Troubleshooting for steps to resolve out of range ("Bad") impedance values.
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button is present. When the button is pressed, the CP will display either:
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