We recommend that a minimum of four caregivers are available to help
flip the patient. However, the number of caregivers will vary based on
the patient weight and should be determined by the facility staff for
each flip procedure. Failure to do so could cause patient fall, injury, or
equipment damage.
Observe lines closely during articulations. Always use good line
management techniques. Failure to do so could cause patient fall,
injury, or equipment damage.
Failure to observe the patient's head while the support top is being
flipped could cause patient fall or injury.
46. Make sure of these, and then follow facility protocols to manually flip
the support tops 180°:
There is a sufficient number of persons available for the patient to
be flipped.
Persons and equipment will not be in the way of the support tops
when they get flipped.
To watch the lines so that they don't get pinched or caught during
the flip.
The patient's head stays in the correct position during the flip.
Allen® Advance Table User Guide (D-720722 Ver D)
Instructions for use