1. All the returned goods have to be pace in their original packaging, otherwise the
price for the original packaging restoring shall be charged;
2. All returns shall be delivered CARRIAGE FREE ;
3. the customer has to anticipate the return by applying to the manufacturer's sales
office for the written authorization to the return "Returns management form",
in conformity with the Manufacturer's Quality management system.
4. The return document shall read:
• Product code/item;
• number of the purchase invoice or of the transport document ;
• product serial number and lot;
• Explanation of the return;
• The ticket number of the "Returns management form" or a copy of it;
5. Returns are accepted only after checking the returned material, in case of non
conformity they can be shipped to the sender, at sole discretion of the manufacturer ;
6. for every returned product the expenses for the product restoration and testing shall
be charged.
7. Components replaced under warranty shall be returned carriage free.
8. Failure to return the product shall imply the charge of the item cost to the applicant.
9. The manufacturer shall not accept returns from final users.
10. For returns for repair purposes the same procedure applies