Connect WS configuration settings
Device information
The Device Information section summarizes current system parameters and network connectivity status. The
Network Connectivity Status LED along with the information displayed below it, indicates the readiness of the
Connect WS to communicate in a network.
Refreshing the home page
By clicking the Refresh button, you are refreshing the page. Refreshing a page is necessary when doing certain things
like viewing system time or network connectivity status. Utilizing the refresh button is important because certain
features are not automatically updated when the state of the device changes. The Refresh button also updates the
device status information.
Applying and saving changes
The web interface runs locally on the Connect WS terminal server, which means that the interface always maintains
and displays the latest settings of the device. On each screen, the Apply button saves any configuration changes made
to the device.
Canceling changes
To cancel changes made to a configuration settings page, click the Refresh or Reload icon on your web browser.
Pressing the refresh icon on your browser causes the browser to reload the page. Any changes made since the last
time the Apply button was clicked are reset back to their original value.
Restoring the Connect WS to factory defaults
You can reset your Connect WS device to factory defaults as needed during the configuration process. You can do this
through the device's web UI, or by pressing and holding the Reset button on the device for about 2 seconds.
Any network configuration settings will have to be restored and saved after the reset operation is complete.
Connect WS configuration settings
On the left side of the Home page there is a menu of choices for configuration and administrative tasks. The
configuration settings allow you to configure settings for various features.
Ethernet network settings
The Ethernet network settings page displays the current IP address and DHCP settings for Ethernet network
communications. You can change the IP address by either obtaining a new one through DHCP, or by entering a static
IP address.
Current IP parameters
This section displays the current IP address assignment for your Connect WS terminal server. If DHCP is enabled, the
IP, subnet mask, and default gateway address will be assigned automatically.
Connect WS Hardware Reference Manual