Peg the perimeter wire clockwise around the protected object.
Completely fence the island out and return to the spot where you left the lawn's
The wires leading to and returning from the island should be parallel and very
close, yet not crossing each other. Therefore, fix both wires, to and from the is-
land, on the ground together with the same pegs.
If you follow the above instructions to cut objects off the mowing area, your ro-
bot will cross the two parallel wires -and not cross the single wire around the ob-
Min. distance between islands: 1 m (3.3 ft). Otherwise, demarcate jointly as one
Boundary wires must not cross
5.3 B
Depending on if you intend to aerate your garden's soil, choose from one of the two
> 1 m
each other.
> 1 m