Las plataformas DHOLLANDIA para mercancías [serie DH-RB.05.02. utilizada con
fines comerciales] están diseñados para ser instaladas en vehículos comerciales
(furgonetas originales, camiones, remolques y semirremolques) y sólo se debe utilizar para
cargar y descargar las mercancías transportadas en el vehículo.
Las plataformas para silla de ruedas [serie DH-RB 05.02....] están diseñados para ser
montadas en autobuses y autocares. Sólo deben ser usados para ayudar a los pasajeros
en sillas de ruedas para embarcar y desembarcar en el vehículo.
En ambos casos, la plataforma debe ser utilizada respetando el diagrama de cargas.
DHOLLANDIA commercial lifts [DH-RB 05.02.......series used for commercial purposes]
are designed to be fitted to commercial vehicles (factory built panel vans, commercial
trucks, trailers and semi-trailers), and shall be used exclusively to load and unload the
goods transported on this vehicle.
DHOLLANDIA wheelchair lifts [DH-RB 05.02....... series] are designed to be fitted to
busses and coaches, and shall be used exclusively to assist wheelchair passengers to
embark and disembark the vehicle.
In both cases, the lift shall be used with obedience of the loading diagram, and the user's
and safety instructions contained in this manual.
It is strictly forbidden to use the lift in a different way, or for different purposes, than
foreseen in fore lying user's manual.
Negligence can put the operator and third parties at great risk.
DHOLLANDIA disclaims liability for any personal injury or property damage that
results from improper use.
The manufacturer's product liability and the warranty are voided in case of disregard in
this respect.