Hinweise zur
Verträglichkeit (EMV)
Guidelines and manufacturer's declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The device is designed for operation in the electromagnetic environment defined below. The user of the device should make sure that it is used in such
an environment.
Interference immunity
EN/IEC 60601 test level
Electrostatic discharge (ESD)
± 8 kV contact discharge
acc. to IEC 6100042
± 15 kV air discharge
Electrical fast transient / burst
± 2 kV for power supply lines
acc. to IEC 6100044
± 1 kV for input/output lines
100 kHz repetition
Surges acc. to
± 1 kV voltage
IEC 6100045
outer conductor – outer
± 2 kV voltage
outer conductor – ground
Voltage dips, short
Voltage dip:
interruptions and
Dip to 0% for 1 cycle
voltage variations of the
@ 0° phase angle
supply voltage acc. to
Dip to 70% for 25/30 cycles
IEC 61000411
@ 0° phase angle
Dropout to 0% for 0.5 cycle
@ 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°,
225°, 270° & 315° phase angles
Voltage interruption:
100% for 250/300 periods
Magnetic field at the supply
30 A/m at 50 Hz/60 Hz
frequency (50/60 Hz) acc. to
IEC 6100048
Interference to immunity
3 V/m 80 MHz to 2.7 GHz
test acc. to IEC 6100043
*Refer to table 2 for wireless
for highfrequency
Proximity RF field test levels
electromagnetic fields
Immunity to conducted
3 Vrms to 150 kHz to 80 MH
disturbances, induced by
1 kHz 80% AM modulation 6
highfrequency fields acc. to
Vrms in ISM band
IEC 6100046
Compatibility (EMC)
Table 1 – Compliance level for immunity tests
Conformity level
± 8 kV contact discharge
± 15 kV air discharge
± 2 kV/1 kV
± 1 kV for input and
output lines
100 kHz repetition
± 1 kV voltage
outer conductor – outer
± 2 kV voltage
outer conductor – ground
Voltage dip:
Dip to 0% for 1 cycle
@ 0° phase angle
Dip to 70% for 25/30 cycles
@ 0° phase angle
Dropout to 0% for 0.5 cycle
@ 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°,
225°, 270° & 315° phase angles
Voltage interruption:
100% for 250/300 periods
30 A/m at 50 Hz/60 Hz
3 V/m 80 MHz to 2.7 GHz
3 Vrms to 150 kHz to 80 MH 1
kHz 80% AM modulation
6 Vrms in ISM band
Indicaciones sobre
electromagnética (CEM)
Electromagnetic environment – guidelines
Floors should be made of wood, concrete or covered
with ceramic tiles. If floors are covered with synthetic
material, the relative humidity must be at least 30%.
The power supply quality should be that of a typical
commercial or hospital environment.
The power supply quality should be that of a typical
commercial or hospital environment.
The power supply quality should be that of a typical
commercial or hospital environment.
If the user of the device requires continued operation
during power mains interruptions, it is recommended
that the device be powered from an uninterruptible
power supply or a battery.
If image distortion occurs, it may be necessary
to position the device further from sources of
electromagnetic fields or to install magnetic shielding.
Before installing the device, the electromagnetic field
should be measured to ensure that it is sufficiently low.