is calculated on the basis of cuff pressure oscillatory waveform envelope, and the air release speed and heart rate
has little effect on the measurement accuracy.
3. Statistics show that, when measuring the hypertension, the measure taken by the oscillating method is likely to be
lower than that taken by the Korotkoff Sound Method. When measuring the hypotension, the measure taken by the
oscillating method is likely to be higher than that by the Korotkoff Sound Method. But, it doesn't mean the
advantages or disadvantages between the oscillating method and the Korotkoff Sound Method. Comparison with
the results taken by more accurate method, let's say comparison of the invasive pressure result with the output
value by the blood pressure measuring simulator, will show which method has more accurate results. In addition,
higher or lower value should be a statistical concept. It is recommended those used to adopt the Korotkoff Sound
Method use different physiological calibration for values determined by the oscillating method.
4. The studies have shown that the Korotkoff Sound Method has the worst accuracy when it comes to measurement
of hypotension, while the oscillating method has worse accuracy when it comes to measurement of controlled
hypertension relief.
8.2.2 Factors affecting NIBP measuring
Select a cuff of appropriate size according to the size of the subject.
The cuff width should be 2/3 of the length of the upper arm. The cuff inflation part should be long enough to
wrap around 50-80% of the limb concerned.
Prior to use of the cuff, empty the cuff of any residual air inside it to ensure accurate measurement.
Locate the cuff in such a way that the mark "φ" is in the position where artery pulsates clearly for best effect.
The lower part of the cuff should be 2cm above the elbow joint.
Do not wrap the cuff over thick clothing;
The patient should lie in bed or sit in a chair, in order for the cuff and heart to be at the same level and the
most accurate measurement to be taken. Other postures may lead to inaccurate results;
During measuring, do not move the arm or the cuff;
The measuring interval shall longer than 2 minutes, in continuous measurement, too short interval may cause
arm extrusion, blood quantity increases, then cause blood pressure increases.
² Keep the patient still and calm before and during measuring as the patient's state also affect the measuring
result, e.g. when excited or anxious, their blood pressure will go up.
Results will also be affected by the time of day, tending to be lower in the morning and higher in the evening;
8.2.3 Clinical Limitations and Contraindications
1. Serious angiospasm, vasoconstriction, or too weak pulse.
2. Extremely low or high heart rate or serious arrhythmia (especially auricular fibrillation) will lead to unreliable
measurements or an inability to take a reading.
3. Patients connected to an artificial heart-lung machine.
4. Patient taking diuretics or vasodilators.
5. With patient suffering from major hemorrhage, hypovolemic shock and other conditions with rapid blood
pressure change or when the body temperature is too low, the readings will not be reliable, as reduced peripheral
blood flow will lead to reduced arterial pulsation.
6. Patient with hyperadiposis;
In addition, statistics show that 37% people report blood pressure difference of no less than 0.80kPa(6mmHg)
between the left and right arms, and 13% people report difference of no less than 1.47kPa (11mmHg).
Some practitioners may report big discreteness or abnormal value of the blood pressure measures